Tag Archive | "comedy"

What if Microsoft made… everything?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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We can bless our lucky stars that we don’t watch Microsoft TV’s or drive Microsoft manufactured cars.  Just think of all that crashing.  Bad jokes aside, Cracked has a funny post up which takes a look at what the world would be like if Microsoft made everything. Here are a few of our favorites.  The […]

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The Ultimate in Mac Geekery.. Mac Cufflinks

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is where we draw the line!  Mac Cufflinks?  No thank you 🙂 But apparently we’re in the minority because these badboys are already sold out.  And at $18 bucks a pop, we’re impressed.  Mac Geeks.. reveal yourselves! via Etsy

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McDonald’s isn’t impressed with 1 Billion iTunes App Downloads

Friday, April 24, 2009


1 Billion downloads from the iTunes App Store might seem like a lot, but not everyone is fawning over Apple.  McDonald’s has sold well over 100 billion hamburgers, and basically stopped counting when they hit 99 billion years ago.  Needless to say, they’re not impressed.

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Trying to Swallowan iPod Shuffle [Video]

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Swallowing an iPod Shuffle – can it be done?  Check out the video below.  If you tend to get queasy, watch with caution! Heather Holiday, the girl in the above video, is a professional sword swallower, so you might think that swallowing an iPod Shuffle would be a piece of cake.  Not so fast. According […]

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Apple hits back with 4 new “Get a Mac” ads

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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Microsoft’s 300 million dollar ad campaign has seen a variety of incarnations.  From Jerry Seinfeld hangin around with Bill Gates to little kids editing photos on Windows.  Most recently, Microsoft unveiled a slew of “Laptop Hunter” commercials which attack Apple for being more about image than quality.  The underlying theme or goal of these commercials […]

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The new iPod Shuffle in perspective

Friday, April 17, 2009


We knew the new iPod Shuffle was small, but goddamn! via Flickr

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Homeless Spoof of Microsoft’s Laptop Hunter Ads

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


“I’m poor, but I’m not retarded. Alright, these computers suck” Check out this funny spoof of Microsoft’s “Laptop Hunter” commercials by LandlineTV:

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Tina Fey parodies Steve Jobs iPhone intro on 30 Rock

Friday, April 10, 2009


On yesterday’s episode of 30 Rock, Tina Fey pulled off a hilarious Steve Jobs impression when trying to hype up TGS, the sketch comedy program the show revolves around.  Her presentation is a dead ringer for Steve Jobs’ original iPhone introduction, and Fey even dons a black turtleneck in the process. Check it out: If […]

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Wednesday Morning Link Roundup

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Apple dealying web standard with patent royalty claim – AppleInsider Apple starts posting WWDC Sessions and Labs – Apple Amazon and Walmart also initiate tiered pricing – InsanelyGreat 3 new iPhone ads highlight more Applications – iPhone Savior More money saving tips from Microsoft ad girl Lauren – Joy of Tech

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Bill Gates Facebook Page

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


via PC World Who knew that Bill Gates like himself some “Tool Academy.”  I’m a little disappointed, though.  I pegged him more as an “I Love Money” kinda reality fan. Anyways, check out the snarky message from good ole’ Steve Jobs.  Click on the picture below to see the full version in all its glory.

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If Microsoft made a Candy Commercial (Parody Video)

Monday, April 6, 2009


In Microsoft’s most recent “Laptop Hunter” commercial, a guy is looking for a laptop and 2 of his top requirements include “portability” and “battery life”.  In the end, he gets an HP that happens to be extremely heavy, with a battery life that’s nothing to write home about.  In the process, he dismisses purchasing a […]

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Chocolate Chip Cookies can’t hide from iPhoto Faces

Friday, April 3, 2009

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iPhoto Faces is always on the lookout for new people, even in the most unexpected of places. Related: iPhoto recognizes Benjamin Franklin on the $100 Bill

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