Tag Archive | "comedy"

Adobe calls out Apple for restrictive flash policies [Photo]

Monday, November 2, 2009

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The iPhone still can’t run flash and it probably won’t support flash anytime soon, if ever.  But that hasn’t stopped Adobe from lobbying to get flash up and running on the iPhone, with their most recent move being to basically call Apple out.  When iPhone users visit Adobe’s flash download page, they’re greeted with non […]

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Demo of Windows 7 on Japanese TV show is a big fat FAIL [Video]

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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Windows 7 has gotten a lot of favorable reviews thus far, but when a Japanese TV show tried to demo the new multi-touch capabilities of Microsoft’s new OS, well, let’s just say it resulted in a big fat FAIL.

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Apple fanboy spoofs Verizon’s anti-iPhone commercial [Video]

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Round 1: About a week ago, Verizon launched a commercial pointing out all the features that the iPhone doesn’t have but that the upcoming Motorola Droid will have, such as a 5 megapixel camera and “widgets”, whatever that means.  And adding insult to injury, if you want to call it that, Verizon laced their commercial […]

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The Palm Pre is one smooth playa [Photo]

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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This is a few weeks old, but still a hilarious spoof on the Palm Pre’s ability to sync up with iTunes, and as you might expect, it’s from the talented folks over at Joy of Tech.  When Apple released iTunes 9, it broke syncability between the Pre and iTunes, but Palm subsequently issued a WebOS […]

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Windows 3.1 Launch Party

Friday, October 23, 2009

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Check out this hilarious spoof of those atrocious Windows Launch Party videos.

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Windows 7 – Helping the elderly get it on [Video]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

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The Windows 7 launch party video that made the rounds a couple of weeks ago was cringe inducing, though the ensuing bleeped out  parody clip from Cabel Sasser was downright hilarious.  In that vein, we checked out some of the other videos from the Windows 7 launch party team and did a little remix of […]

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If the “I’m a PC” guy had a father [Photo]

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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If John Hodgman’s character from the “Get a Mac” ads had a father, he’d probably look a little something like this.

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Obama on autotune using the “I am T-Pain” app [Video]

Sunday, October 4, 2009

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Check out this great clip from Jimmy Kimmel Live! showing what happens when you combine soundbytes from Obama’s speeches and the “I am T-Pain” iPhone app.

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I know people look up to Steve Jobs, but this is just ridiculous [Photo]

Sunday, September 27, 2009


You know, they say that Apple has a religious and almost cult-like following, and we all know that Steve Jobs’ ability to rally the masses around a new product is second to none, but this is taking things a step too far. Check out this photo of a car that was spotted in Apple’s parking […]

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Windows 7 launch party infomercial is the worst Microsoft idea of all time!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


In anticipation of the release of Windows 7, Microsoft is attempting to drum up support and excitement by having consumers throw Windows 7 launch parties at their homes.  And because people don’t really know how to throw a party, Microsoft released a video to guide them along the way.  Seriously. To be honest, when I […]

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Transforming iPhone 3GS [Video]

Monday, September 21, 2009

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Watch as this innocuous iPhone 3GS transforms into some sort of mini tablet with a built-in keyboard.

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Kanye West accosts Steve Jobs on stage

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Kanye West made headlines this week for accosting Taylor Swift and hijacking her acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards, but it turns out this isn’t the first time Kanye has pulled such a stunt.  Check out this photo from Apple’s media event last week.

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