A lot of College girls use Halloween as an excuse to put on skimpy outfits and dress up as sexy devils, policewomen etc. Now this, of course, is nothing new, but we gotta give props to the girl below for extending the sexy Halloween motif to include Snow Leopard. What better way to show your support for the Mac than to walk outside in late October dressed up in some form fitting Snow Leopard styled lingerie?
There’s no denying that Snow Leopard is the hottest OS around, but if you take a look at the competition, it’s not exactly a fair fight. Linux looks downright angry, if not homicidal. DOS, meanwhile, just looks happy just to have been invited to the party (“People still talk about me?!”). And Windows? Well.. you fill in the blank.
Thanks to Katie for sending this in
December 7th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Nice, but no girl I know who looks like that even knows what Snow Leopard is
December 7th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
She has an open invite to be our Mac Chick of the Month.

– The Doc
December 8th, 2009 at 10:15 am
I knew there was a reason I, and other guys, love using Snow Leopard!