Apple rejects NIN iPhone App update due to objectionable content

Sat, May 2, 2009


Apple today rejected an update to the popular NIN iPhone application today due to objectionable content.  Earlier today, Trent Reznor tweeted the following:

Apple rejects the NIN iPhone update because it contains objectionable content. The objectionable content referenced is “The Downward Spiral”.

This, of course, isn’t the first time Apple has donned its “objectionable content” police cap.  A few weeks ago, an update to the popular iPhone app Tweetie was rejected because a trending topic at the time was the phrase “Fuckitlist.”  After realizing the absurdity of the rejection, the update was approved a few hours later, and we can only assume, or hope, that the same will happen for the NIN app as well.

If you’re interested in how the phrase “fuckitlist” got onto the trending topics list in the first place, it all started with an innocent tweet from comedian Michael Ian Black.  You can check out the full scoop on that story over here.


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