Google Motion was a cleverly delivered April Fools Day joke from Google, but that “joke” was recently turned into a reality using Microsoft Kinect. In the video below, Institute of Creative Technologies (ICT) researcher Evan Suma demos how he actually uses the motion gestures mentioned in Google’s original video to actually control Gmail.
Continue reading...Sunday, April 3, 2011
We gotta hand it to em’. The folks at Google have a great sense of humor. In their annual April Fools Day goof, the engineers at Google unveiled Google Motion, a new email feature that lets users interact with their email without using “outdated technologies like the keyboard and mouse.” The video is well produced […]
Continue reading...Thursday, March 24, 2011
18-year old entrepreneur Mark Bao recently had his top of the line MacBook Air stolen from a lounge in his college dorm. But being technically savvy, Bao was able access the machine’s cloud backups whereupon he found that the thief had recorded the following video of himself dancing using the machine’s webcam. The YouTube video […]
Continue reading...Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I’m not sure if this is breakdancing per se but the folks in Japan don’t seem to mind.
Continue reading...Saturday, March 19, 2011
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Freddie Wong operates the extremely popular YouTube channel freddiew and has amassed over 1 million subscribers in just one year, making it the 18th most subscribed YouTube channel of all time. How, you ask? Well, with original and expertly produced videos like this – Super Mario as a first person shooter. Amazing. In case you’re wondering, […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, March 15, 2011
It’s hard to imagine, but there was a time when Microsoft events were huge mainstream affairs. Nowhere was this more apparent than with the momentous launch of Windows 95 which featured the involvement of Jay Leno and the licensing of the famous Rolling Stones song Start Me Up. While Windows 95 was a yawner for […]
Continue reading...Monday, March 14, 2011
Comments Off on Video impact of the Tsunami in Japan
Unbelievable footage of the destructive Tsunami that struck Japan in the aftermath of a massive Earthquake. The resulting humanitarian crisis in Japan has left thousands dead and hundreds of thousands without homes.
Continue reading...Monday, March 14, 2011
Comments Off on Video of the enormous iPad 2 line in New York City
People will line up for hours on end for concert tickets, sporting events, and quite uniquely in the realm of tech, Apple products. The iPad 2 launch this Friday afternoon resulted in impressive lines at Apple retail stores around the country, with the line at one Apple Store in San Francisco stretching around a full […]
Continue reading...Thursday, March 3, 2011
Comments Off on Apple’s iPad year in review video
Apple last night posted a video for what can arguably be called an iPad retrospective. It’s well worth a viewing, inspiring and heartwarming all at the same time. A choice quote from Apple retail Senior VP Ron Johnson – “In 10 years of retail, I’ve never seen anything like the launch of the iPad.”
Continue reading...Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Comments Off on Watching the Discovery Space Shuttle launch from an Airplane
Cool perspective from an Airplane of the Discovery Space Shuttle’s final launch and trip to the International Space Station.
Continue reading...Saturday, February 26, 2011
Comments Off on “Hello, my name is Mr. Burns.”
Put your appetite for Apple news on hold for a second and enjoy this classic Simpsons clip from the episode Blood Feud.
Continue reading...Friday, February 25, 2011
Comments Off on Steve Jobs reminisces about building illegal blue boxes with Woz [Video]
A great video find of a bearded Steve Jobs (with a curious blue denim button-up) reminiscing about the good ole’ days he spent with Woz tinkering with and building illegal blue boxes to make free telephone calls around the world. We were so fascinated by them that Woz and i actually figured out how to […]
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Comments Off on Microsoft Kinect hack turns Gmail Motion prank into a reality