In an extremely odd headline that DF’s John Gruber aptly described as Onion-esque, Reuters reported earlier last week that wounded US Representative Gabrielle Gifford was doing better after having been shot in the head by a 22 year old deranged lunatic named Jared Lee Loughner. Just 12 days after she was shot in the head, […]
Continue reading...Saturday, January 22, 2011
Because concerts may start getting real annoying real quick.
Continue reading...Friday, January 21, 2011
Comments Off on Apple increases number of companies supplying iPad printed circuit boards to 7
With the iPad 2 scheduled to launch in early April, Apple has expanded the number of companies tasked with manufacturing the device’s printed circuit boards (PCB) from three to 7 in order to accommodate accelerating demand. Digitimes reports that the newly contracted manufacturers include Compeq Manufacturing, Gold Circuit Electronics (GCE), Meiko and Nan Ya PCB. These […]
Continue reading...Friday, January 21, 2011
Comments Off on iPad 2 will sport same quality camera as the iPod Touch
9to5Mac did some digging into the latest iOS SDK and finds that the upcoming camera on the iPad 2 will be more like the one on the iPod Touch than on the iPhone. Oh, hello. We’ve done some digging in the latest SDK it looks like Apple’s much rumored second-generation iPad will not feature some […]
Continue reading...Thursday, January 20, 2011
Comments Off on FaceTime, Camera, and Photobooth icons for the iPad found in iOS 4.3 beta 2
As if we needed more proof that the next-gen iPad will come equipped with front and rear facing cameras, the recently seeded iOS 4.3 Beta 2 contains new visuals which indicate that the iPad 2 will come with FaceTime, Camera, and Photobooth functionality. The image below (titled homeScreenOverlayFaceTime~ipad.png), courtesy of MacRumors, was found in the […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Comments Off on Apple profits soar 77% on sales of 4+ million Macs and 16.24 million iPhones
Apple a short while ago released its Q1 2011 earnings and the results were stellar. Apple posted revenue of $26.74 billion and net profits of $6 billion – both company records. Highlighting just how fast Apple is growing, the company posted revenue of $15.68 billion with net profits of $3.38 billion in the year-ago […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Comments Off on More iPad 2 rumors – SD slot and dual GSM/CDMA chipset
Somewhat lost amidst the hoopla surrounding Apple’s press release announcing Steve Jobs’ medical leave of absence was a juicy and rumor-filled blogpost from Engadget this weekend. The gadget blog, citing multiple sources with a history of divulging accurate information, writes that that the iPad 2 will most likely hit store shelves in April. This jives […]
Continue reading...Saturday, January 15, 2011
Engadget has the scoop: From what we’ve been told, the thinner, sleeker tablet will sport a new screen technology that is akin to (though not the same as) the iPhone 4’s Retina Display and will be “super high resolution” (unlike reports to the contrary). The device will remain at 10 inches but will now feature both […]
Continue reading...Friday, January 14, 2011
Comments Off on Planned “Daily” iPad newspaper from News corp. pushed back a few weeks
All Things D reports: Turns out you’ll have to wait a bit longer to see the Daily, Rupert Murdoch’s long-awaited iPad news service. Apple and News Corp. have made a joint decision to push back next week’s planned launch, according to sources familiar with the companies’ plans. The delay is supposed to give Apple time […]
Continue reading...Thursday, January 13, 2011
Comments Off on iPad 2 to launch on either April 2 or April 9 – Rumor
MacNotes is reporting that Apple is preparing to release the next-gen iPad on either the first or second Saturday of April, meaning either the 2nd or the 9th. This shouldn’t be all that surprising given that the first-gen iPad was released on April 3rd and Apple has a penchant for keeping consistent annual release cycles. […]
Continue reading...Thursday, December 30, 2010
Comments Off on Apple to order upwards of 65 million iPad displays in 2011
Given the overwhelming success of the original iPad, you can’t really fault Apple for being a tad optimistic about how the iPad 2 will sell in 2011 now that the device has etched itself a place in the public psyche. DigiTimes reports that Apple is expected to order 35 million iPad panels from LG in 2011, […]
Continue reading...Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Comments Off on Purported iPad 2 case moldings suggest tapered edges for the next-gen iPad
Will the iPad 2 sport tapered edges? That seems to be the case if you buy into leaks purporting to show iPad 2 case designs. The drawing above is reportedly a case mold drawing from an Asian case supplier and you’ll note the spot for a camera on the back. 9to5Mac reports: Some new information […]
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Monday, January 24, 2011
Comments Off on Gabrielle Giffords recovery references iPad use