A charming story about, of all things, an iPad 2 return. With the iPad 2 still a new product, Apple is paying especially close attention to the reasons underlying product returns to better detect potential product defects. [Apple’s] focus this week has been to troubleshoot all the iPad 2s that customers are returning to the […]
Continue reading...Wednesday, March 16, 2011
So many song titles to riff off of, it’s hard to know where to start. Well, here goes. Not only does rocker Jon Bon Jovi give love a bad name, he’s now taken to trashing iTunes and Steve Jobs as well. The Bon Jovi front man recently lamented the changing landscape of the music buying […]
Continue reading...Thursday, March 10, 2011
Apple’s movie trailer page is not only a great spot to check out previews for upcoming flicks, but is often the first spot on the web where movie trailers even appear. But why is that the case? Tackling the question, former Apple web designer and developer Chad Little – whose first position within Apple was […]
Continue reading...Friday, March 4, 2011
Steve Jobs has charisma. He has panache. Hell, he might even be the most interesting guy in the world. Whatever you wanna call it, Jobs has an uncanny ability to pitch a product in a way that makes you think “Man, my funds are running low, but jeez, I gotta pick me up one of […]
Continue reading...Thursday, March 3, 2011
“All My Files” is a brand new feature in OS X Lion that helps a user organize all of his/her files with a number of different sorting options. While that might sound boring, the icon for the new feature is anything but. If you zoom in on the icon you can see that the virtual files, […]
Continue reading...Friday, February 25, 2011
Comments Off on Steve Jobs reminisces about building illegal blue boxes with Woz [Video]
A great video find of a bearded Steve Jobs (with a curious blue denim button-up) reminiscing about the good ole’ days he spent with Woz tinkering with and building illegal blue boxes to make free telephone calls around the world. We were so fascinated by them that Woz and i actually figured out how to […]
Continue reading...Friday, February 25, 2011
Comments Off on Apple products appeared in 30% of Number One films in 2010
It’s really hard to watch TV these days and not see Apple products adorn the screen. From Entourage to The Office and 30 Rock, iMacs and iPhones are often on full display. Apple’s pervasive product placement also occurs on the silver screen, with brandchannel reporting that of the 33 number one films in the US […]
Continue reading...Monday, February 21, 2011
Apple likes to keep a tight lid on things, including its employees who are often forbidden from blogging (at least in their official capacity) and from otherwise letting anyone know what they’re working on. This culture of secrecy even extends down to Apple’s retail employees, which is what makes the following expose all the more […]
Continue reading...Monday, February 21, 2011
Comments Off on Hilarious iPad 2 hands on review [Video]
Yes, the iPad 2 hasn’t launched yet, but this uber-creative spoof review of Apple’s next-gen iPad courtesy of Eskild E. Fors and Anders Overgaard is absolutely hilarious and must be seen in its entirety. We can’t recommend this enough! via exkild
Continue reading...Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Check out this ridiculous and in-house produced Apple Mac (or Lisa??) promo released back in ’84. If you’re in need of a laugh, check out the dude at the 2:48 mark who’s walking around holding a Lisa computer like a damned laptop!
Continue reading...Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Comments Off on Video of 24 year old Steve Jobs prepping for his first Television appearance circa 1978
In a never before seen clip that surfaced just a few days ago, a 24-year old Steve Jobs is seen prepping and getting mic’d up for what may very well have been his first Television appearance, circa 1978. Visibly nervous, Jobs is excited when he sees his image on a nearby monitor, and at one point even asks, […]
Continue reading...Thursday, February 3, 2011
Comments Off on Mac Plus + iPad + Helmet = One creative DJ
Move over Pauly D, there’s a new DJ in town and his name is DJ Kid Chameleon. Now there’s unquestionably an abundance of DJ’s who fall under the Techno/Electronica genre, and in our humble, albeit limited experience, the bulk of them are all interchangeable. Except, of course, for DJ Kid Chameleon. So what makes this […]
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Comments Off on Wife says no to iPad 2, but Apple says ‘Yes’