Tag Archive | "Featured"

Steve Jobs on iPhone 4 antenna/reception problems – “Just don’t hold it that way”

Thursday, June 24, 2010

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The antenna problems associated with the iPhone 4 have resulted in an unusual turn of events. In case you’re new to the story, many iPhone 4 owners are reporting that the device loses signal strength when you touch the left side of the phone while simultaneously touching the phone’s bottom left corner. This problem doesn’t […]

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“Poker Face” iPhone musician from South Korea lands record deal

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Remember this 22 year old South Korean amateur singer/iPhone enthusiast who made waves singing Lady Gaga’s Poker Face using only a collection of iPhone apps? The cute singer with the impressive voice is named Kim Yeo-hee, and the youngster soon found herself a web celebrity thanks to the popularity of the above video (which generated […]

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Does Steve Jobs actually love buttons?

Monday, June 21, 2010

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When Jobs first unveiled Apple’s white Front Row remote control in 2005, he used a Keynote slide to compare it to a large remote with well over 40 buttons. “I don’t know that there’s ever been a slide that captures what Apple’s about as much as this one,” Jobs quipped. You can make a strong […]

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Police arrest duo for trying to trade an iPod Touch and Marijuana in exchange for an iPad, via Craigslist!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


We know that there are more addicting things out there than Marijuana, we just had no idea that the iPad was on the list. Now we’re not saying that weed affects your mental state, but how else can you explain this unbelievably absurd Onion-esque news story from Gilbert, Arizona.

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How to take a Screenshot: iPhone vs. Android

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


You know, sometimes you just take the little things for granted. You know, stuff like taking a snapshot of your screen. Apparently for Android users, however, taking a screenshot is anything but trivial.

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The iPhone as a travel brochure – Focusing on the details that matter

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Imagine the following scenario. You’re planning vacation, and after much deliberation, you narrow your future destination down to two places – Costa Rica and Cancun, Mexico. Now, imagine that during the process of deciding where to go, you start to compare seemingly minute details such as which country’s weather is closest to 85 degrees, which […]

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A miniaturized Apple Store in a shoebox [Video]

Friday, June 4, 2010


Yep, just as the title describes, someone took the time to create an alarmingly realistic version of an Apple retail store inside of a shoebox. The money shot is using an iPhone for the Genius Bar display and to illuminate the Apple logo. I wonder how this would have fared in The Simpsons episode where […]

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Steve Jobs explains that the iPhone actually began as a tablet project

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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As expected, Steve Jobs’ interview at Tuesday’s All Things D conference was an in-depth and rich affair that touched on a number of interesting topics. While we’ll have more in-depth coverage later on, one particularly interesting exchange centered on how the iPhone came to be, and how it actually sprung up from work on developing […]

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Stephen Fry on the culture of anti-Apple fanboyism

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It’s no secret that Apple is often the recipient of as much hate as it is admiration, and as with anything that has even a drop of popularity, it’s become vogue in certain circles to not only avoid Apple products, but to hate the company itself, and to proudly and boldly boast of never planning […]

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The iPad really is a magical device [Video]

Monday, May 31, 2010

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Well that sure didn’t take long. The iPad just went on sale in Japan this past Friday and it’s already being used as a prop in an incredible street performance by a 28 year old Japanese magician named Shinya. The performance is unbelievable, and though the iPad video is pre-recorded, the sleight of hands are legit […]

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Affidavit relating to stolen iPhone released – The full story behind the saga, Brian Lam’s email to Steve Jobs, and a TON more

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hot damn! There’s a lot of Apple news going on for a lazy Friday afternoon. You know the affidavit that triggered the search warrant on Gizmodo editor Jason Chen’s abode? Well as we told you earlier, it was unsealed earlier today by San Mateo County Superior Court Judge Clifford V. Cretan. Only thing is, they released […]

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Rare video of Steve Jobs with Walt Mossberg from D1 and D2 conferences

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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With Steve Jobs scheduled to take the stage at this years All Things D Conference in June, the publication has released somewhat rare videos of Jobs’ conversations with Walt Mossberg from the D1 and D2 conferences in 2003 and 2004 respectively. The last times Jobs appeared on stage with Mossberg and co. was in 2007 […]

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