Tag Archive | "Featured"

A departing Microsoft employee reflects back on his time in Redmond

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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I’ve never heard of Philip Su, but I’m a fan. A former Microsoft engineer who recently decided to leave Redmond for the greener pastures of Facebook recently posted an amalgamation of thoughts and lessons learned from his time at Microsoft and it’s well worth a read. On getting promoted: If you consistently deliver what the […]

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Bloomberg’s 50-minute video profile of Steve Jobs now available online

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Bloomberg has posted online its 50-minute Game Changers video profile of Steve Jobs. It features fascinating interviews with a number of Apple personalties such as Steve Wozniak and former CEO John Sculley. It’s definitely worth checking out on a lazy Sunday, Part I Part II Part III Part IV

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In just 3 years, iPhone accounts for majority of mobile profits with relatively small marketshare

Friday, October 15, 2010

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Some solid charts, per usual, from Asymco, plotting out profits v marketshare among various mobile tech companies over the past few years. It’s really astounding how in just three years time Nokia went from being a dominant force in mobile to a company desperately trying to stay relevant. But this chart is the most telling of all. […]

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Proposing in a movie theatre with an iPhone [Video]

Friday, October 8, 2010


There’s no magic formula to rely on when asking a girl to marry you, and while you can go the classic route and get down on one knee, today’s technology affords men a lot more room for creativity. And in that regard, the following proposal is hard to top. Earlier this September, an enterprising fellow […]

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Android – Too open for its own good?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Now that Apple has loosened up many of its previous restrictions on iOS development, iPhone critics are struggling more than ever to come up with reasons why the iPhone pales in comparison to Google’s Android. One reason still shouted from the rooftops centers on the openness of Android, especially when measured against what were previously Apple’s evil, […]

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The best songs ever used in iPod commercials

Thursday, August 12, 2010


With the iPad and iPhone now at the forefront of Apple’s marketing push, the iPod isn’t getting much commercial love these days. In fact, the last commercial focusing exclusively on the iPod was released back in September 2009, and while the bulk of iPod commercials have centered on music, those campaigns soon gave way to […]

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Apple keeps engineering teams lean; iPhone Remote app was designed by one guy

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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In the months preceding the release of the iPhone, it was rumored that Apple removed a key number of software engineers working on OS X 10.6 and placed them on the iPhone team to ensure that everything was ready to go in time for launch. That said, former Apple engineer and Posterous co-founder Sachin Agarwal […]

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Taiwanese News Station delivers hilarious “Antennagate” animation

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

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What the hell is going on this video?! Who cares, really. This is nerd gold.

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Now that’s a smartass iPhone [Photo]

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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It might take awhile to get it, but the payoff is worth it. via TweetPhoto

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The Onion: Apple introduces new “Friend Bar”

Thursday, July 8, 2010

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Tired of boring your friends with what they deem to be irrelevant talk about the Mac? Well, then mosey on down to Apple’s new Friend Bar where you can chat it up with Apple employees “specially trained to carry on conversations about even the most arcane topics.” Another brilliant segment from the talented folks over […]

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A melted iPhone can still play music [Video]

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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It’s become somewhat of a fad to destroy iPhones, videotape the destruction, and post the ensuing footage up on YouTube. While that’s all well and good, there’s only so many times we can watch an iPhone in a blender, or look at bored groups of teenagers smash an iPhone to smitherines using a hammer or […]

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Ron Wayne, the third and forgotten co-founder of Apple

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Contrary to popular belief, there were actually three Apple co-founders of Apple Computer. While everyone’s heard of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, not everyone is familiar with Ron Wayne. Wayne, who is now 76, initially met Steve Jobs while they were both employed by Atari. When Jobs and Wozniak up and decided to create Apple […]

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