Tag Archive | "Analysis"

Why Apple should implement a 24 hour return policy for all iPhone apps

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


One of the more interesting facts surrounding Google’s Android Market Place is that there will be a 24 hour return policy for all paid applications.  Users who aren’t satisfied with their purchase can opt to return it for a full refund within 24 hours of the time of purchase.  This type of policy stands to […]

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Tech writers and multi-touch madness

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Daniel Eran Dilger has an interesting article up over at Roughly Drafted where he discusses just how ridiculous the discussion over Apple “patenting multi-touch” has become.  Despite what some tech writers and websites would have you believe, Apple has never claimed or attempted to patent multi-touch technology, and in fact, the technology has been around […]

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Analyst comically suggests Apple should release iPhone Nano and iPhone Touch

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

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Sanford Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi issued a note to investors today in which he asserted that Apple needs to come out with an iPhone Nano and an iPhone Touch.  Don’t adjust your computer screens – you read that correctly. Sacconaghi argues that since Apple sells more units as its products become cheaper and cheaper, Apple […]

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Rob Enderle tries to write about Apple.. hijinks ensue

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Rob Enderle’s latest article is a perfect example of how he’s either not qualified to write about tech, or that his bias against Apple is so great that he can’t possibly write about Apple without sounding like a complete fool. In his latest article, he argues that Apple going after Palm will turn Apple into […]

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Why a simple product line is integral to Apple’s success

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It was reported today that Microsoft will be releasing 6 versions of Windows 7, and while the majority of consumers will realistically only be choosing between two of them, it helps highlight the difference between Apple’s approach to business, and that of other tech companies.  Contrary to what they teach in business school, Apple has […]

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Is Apple working on a dedicated gaming device?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The iTunes App Store, fueled by the popularity of gaming applications, continues to grow at an astounding rate. Though Apple has never taken gaming too seriously, it did a complete 180 once it noticed how well they were selling on iTunes. In fact, the iPod Touch is now advertised more as a gaming device than […]

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Steve Jobs argues with Sony over tiered pricing on iTunes

Monday, February 2, 2009

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The New York Times has an interesting article detailing a heated disagreement between Sony and Apple over tiered pricing.  Two things are apparent from this article:  Apple still has a lot of negotiating power, and Sony still doesn’t get this whole music downloading thing. It’s well-known that record labels have wanted to experiment with tiered […]

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Zune sales drop by 54%, down $100 million from last year

Saturday, January 24, 2009


All is not well over in Redmond.  Fresh off the news that Microsoft would be laying off 5,000 employees, Engadget dug up an interesting tidbit in Microsofts quarterly filing that sheds some light on everyone’s favorite brown MP3 player.  According to figures released by Microsoft, revenue from Zune sales decreased by $100 million from the […]

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Analyst still down on Apple, and why the iPod market might not be saturated

Friday, January 23, 2009


Apple announced stellar earnings this week, but one analyst remained unimpressed. Last week, RBC analyst Mike Abramsky downgraded Apple to an “Underperform” rating and lowered his price target for the stock down to $70.  Surprisingly, though, Abramsky’s view of Apple didn’t change much, if at all, following Apple’s earnings conference call earlier this week. Abramsky […]

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Apple netbooks and why analysts are clueless

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


With Apple set to announce earnings later today, talk of Apple sales suffering due to the increasing popularity of netbooks is rampant.  It’s a valid point to make, and if consumers want an Apple netbook, then more power to ’em.  It’s a whole another story, however, when analysts start predicting doom for Apple because it […]

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iPhone Accounting – Why Apple got it right

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Andy Zaky has an interesting article up over at Bullish Cross where he argues that by accounting for the purchase price of an iPhone over the course of 24 months, Apple is shooting itself in the foot as investors and analysts won’t fully appreciate Apple’s financials. The underlying problem with the subscription method of accounting […]

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Apple shares hit new 2 year low

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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Shares of Apple stock closed down today at $78.20, representing the stocks lowest trading price in just over two years.  Last year at this time, Apple was trading at $192 a share before weaker than expected earnings forecasts brought the stock back down to earth in early 2008.    Since hitting an all-time high of […]

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