Tag Archive | "Analysis"

Microsoft attacks iTunes on price, touts subscription model of Zune Pass

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Microsoft’s series of “Laptop Hunter” ads have highlighted the price difference between Macs and their PC counterparts. Now, Microsoft is taking its “Apple is more expensive!” message one step further, this time via a web advert which purports to show how much more expensive it is to download songs via iTunes than it is to […]

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Psytar refuses to divulge financial information to Apple, and what it might be trying to hide

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Last July, Apple sued clone maker Psystar for illegally selling non-Apple hardware running OS X.  Ever since, Psystar has engaged in a number of legal gymnastics in an effort to divert attention away from the issue at hand. If you recall, Psystar initially responded to Apple’s lawsuit by counterclaiming that Apple maintained an illegal monopoly […]

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Rob Enderle is a Moron

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Seriously, how does Rob Enderle get paid to write about tech?  He’s not a hot chick, and this isn’t Mad Men, so how in the world did he manage to convince anyone to give him money in exchange for his moronic ramblings? In his latest “article”, Enderle tries to argue that Apple has a PR […]

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Does Apple’s Mighty Mouse Suck?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


A recent article in TechCrunch takes Apple’s Mighty Mouse to task, and we have to agree that they raise a lot of good points. Before getting into the aesthetic of the mouse, and the whole form-or-function debate, we have to address the trackball.  When the trackball works, it’s great.  Scrolling up and down, and side […]

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Why the Palm Pre won’t challenge the iPhone

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The Palm Pre created a huge splash when it was unveiled at CES earlier this year. At last, people thought, a worthy competitor to the iPhone was upon us. The Pre, of course, is scheduled for a release sometime in the second quarter of ’09. This means a late June launch at the latest, and […]

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The Most Ridiculous Apple article of the day award goes to..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Joe Wilcox, for his recent article, “Will App Store Developers Lose by Winning?” Congrats! In Wilcox’s latest article, he equates the iTunes App Store to a Hollywood movie set – “all facade, with nothing much behind it”, and argues that developers are devoting too many resources towards iPhone development at the expense of other platforms.

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Microsoft’s sponsored “Apple Tax” paper by Roger Kay is a joke

Sunday, April 12, 2009


There are certain benefits inherent in running a blog completely independent of any corporate sponsorship/involvement, chief among them the freedom to call things the way you see them, without the fear of any repercussions from “The Man”.  This freedom sure comes in handy in light of a recent “study” sponsored by Microsoft which attempts to […]

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The Key to Apple’s Success

Thursday, April 2, 2009


John Gruber over at DaringFireball has a must-read article discussing the secret sauce behind Apple’s success: Evolution. If there’s a formula to Apple’s success over the past 10 years, that’s it. Start with something simple and build it, grow it, improve it, steadily over time. Evolve it. The iPhone exemplifies this strategy. There’s a long list of […]

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Why RBC analyst Mike Abramsky’s bearish position on Apple is hard to take seriously – It’s time to put him in check.

Monday, March 30, 2009

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Despite the upcoming launch of the iPhone OS 3.0 and rumors of a significant upgrade to the iPhone itself, Mike Abramsky of RBC remains cautious about Apple Stock, and is maintaining his “underperform” rating on the stock, along with his $70 price target.  Abramsky wrote in a note to clients that Apple isn’t likely to […]

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Microsoft’s latest commercial misses the point

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Microsoft’s latest commercial has been getting a lot of buzz over the past few days, but lost in the discussion is whether or not the ad is even effective in the first place.  I, for one, thought the ad was pretty entertaining, but feel that it ultimately failed to adequately address the actual reasons people […]

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Ngmoco CEO and Rolando developer heaps praise on the iPhone – “Better than the DS, better than the PSP”

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Neil Young, founder of iPhone development house Ngmoco, heaped some heavy praise on the iPhone yesterday during a keynote address at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Our love affair with the iPhone began by simply touching it.  This was rapidly becoming the most important device I had ever owned. It was an all-encompassing, […]

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Steve Ballmer on touchscreens, and why Windows Mobile is in trouble

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Check out this a quote from Steve Ballmer as he discusses touchscreens and the lack of multi-touch in Windows Mobile: Windows Mobile 6.5 has touch on it. The way Apple does touch drives cost. [The] way they do it on the iPhone is not an inexpensive component. We’ll do it in a way that you […]

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