Tag Archive | "advertising"

Who picks the songs for those Apple commercials?

Monday, December 8, 2008


Getting your song featured on an Apple commercial is a great way for a musician to create band awareness and generate a lot of sales.  Feist saw a huge bump in sales when her song “1234” was featured in an iPod Nano commercial, and Yael Naim came out of nowhere when her song “New Soul” […]

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Not everyone is buying the $99 iPhone Walmart rumor

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Macblogz, citing their own reliable source inside AT&T, claims that a 99 dollar iPhone is NOT coming to Walmart on December 28, contrary to initial reports from BoyGeniusReport. Based on every piece of information we’ve heard, and direct information inside AT&T, this is not happening. Our AT&T sources have been confirmed accurate in the past, […]

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Microsoft starts a clothing line.. say what?!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Microsoft, in its latest attempt to improve its tarnished image, has started a clothing line featuring some nifty retro designs.  In doing so, Microsoft has again tapped the services of advertising juggernaut Crispin Porter & Bogusky, the firm that produced those funny (at least in my opinion) Seinfeld and Bill Gates ads, not to mention […]

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App Store surpasses 300 million downloads

Friday, December 5, 2008


Apple ran an advertisement in the New York Times today which noted that there have been over 300 million downloads from the iTunes app store and more than 10,000 applications available.  The ad also highlighted a number of business, music, and entertainment applications currently available for download.  This is a continuing trend in Apple’s efforts […]

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Rumor: Apple to sell 4GB iPhone at Walmart for $99

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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BoyGeniusReport is reporting that Apple is planning to offer a 4GB iPhone at Walmart for the low low price of $99.  Though nothing has officially been confirmed, previous reports have indicated that the iPhone would be available at select Walmart stores (around 2500 in total) by the end of December. If true, this move could […]

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Apple product placement in new “Bolt” movie

Monday, December 1, 2008

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Check out the MacBook, which made a brief appearance in Disney’s latest movie, Bolt. Related: The Significance Of Apple Product Placement Via CultofMac

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The Simpsons parody iPods, iPhones, Apple Stores, Steve Jobs, and even Apple’s 1984 commercial

Sunday, November 30, 2008


“Your heart is blacker than your turtleneck!” Check out this great piece of Apple-related satire from tonight’s episode of The Simpsons.

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Apple’s Black Friday discounts may reach 15%

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


AppleInsider reports: Citing supply chain and distribution checks, analyst Shaw Wu, who recently joined Kaufman from American Technology Research, said this year’s Black Friday sale is shaping up to be a bit more aggressive than usual. “Historically over the last couple years, Apple has offered discounts between 5%-10%,” he wrote in a research note to […]

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iPhone ad banned in UK over misleading browsing speeds

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


An iPhone ad in the UK has been banned after a number of customers complained that their iPhone’s didn’t browse the web as fast as the one displayed in an iPhone commercial. The Guardian reports: In its ruling, the ASA said that while the majority of consumers would be familiar with the performance of mobile […]

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Apple Stores to match competitor prices on Black Friday

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


infoAppleStore is reporting that Apple has internally announced that its Apple Stores are authorized to match the Black Friday sales of any authorized Apple re-seller. There have been reports indicating that Apple was already planning significant price cuts for Black Friday, so this Thanksgiving holiday is shaping up to be a great time to purchase […]

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Apple goes green in new Ad campaign

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Apple today launched a new commercial touting its MacBook’s as being the “greenest” and most environmentally friendly notebooks on the market.  The commercial, which debuted today during “Heroes” on NBC, specifically mentions how the laptops are made out of recyclable aluminum, how energy efficient they are, and how they lack common toxins found in other […]

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I’m a PC, and I’m a dork

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Goodness gracious, Microsoft just doesn’t get it.  They’ve recently launched an online store where users can get a variety of items with the slogan “I’m a PC” plastered all over it.  They’ve got trucker hats, mugs, ties, and a variety of other items that just scream “I’m lame.”  And don’t think I’m being biased here, […]

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