Ya know those new “I’m a PC” ads from Microsoft that feature young children using Microsoft products? The commercials are definitely cute, but whether or not they actually work is another story. Tom Reestman, writing for The Apple Blog, isn’t impressed, and notes that Microsoft is showcasing a demographic (young children) who aren’t yet mature […]
Continue reading...Sunday, February 8, 2009
The following ad is the first in a series of three new “I’m a PC” commercials from Microsoft that will feature young kids using Microsoft software in an effort to show how simple it can be. The video below shows a 4 1/2 year old girl hooking up a camera to her computer, importing a […]
Continue reading...Friday, February 6, 2009
Apple’s iPhone TV Ads Boost Individual App Sales – MacRumors Design of Apple Store in DC hits yet another wall – Washington Post The Kindle is not the next coming of the iPod – Roughly Drafted Sims 3 coming to the Mac and iPhone in Summer ’09 – TUAW Exploring Windows 7 on the Mac: […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It was reported today that Microsoft will be releasing 6 versions of Windows 7, and while the majority of consumers will realistically only be choosing between two of them, it helps highlight the difference between Apple’s approach to business, and that of other tech companies. Contrary to what they teach in business school, Apple has […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hopefully, for Windows users, the following screenshot isn’t a sign of things to come – namely that, like Vista, there will be multiple versions of Windows 7 for users to choose from. Assuming this is an accurate representation of things to come, Microsoft is planning on releasing FIVE different versions of Windows 7! Are you […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Apple’s latest iPhone ad features applications that can help you find a cab in any city in the world, figure out how to divy up a check, and even use your iPhone as a level to help you balance a bookshelf. While these apps aren’t new to the app store, they’re the latest in a […]
Continue reading...Saturday, December 27, 2008
CNET has an article today titled “Why Walmart is key to iPhone domination” and raises an interesting point about how Apple gets that product availability is integral to its success in the emerging smartphone market. Remember years ago when you could only find a cell phone at your carrier’s store? Those days are gone, even […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A look back at the first ever iPod ad. I think it’s clear that the dancing silhouettes were a clear step forward 🙂
Continue reading...Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Apple on Monday unveiled two new “Get a Mac” ads featuring animated versions of Justin Long and John Hodgman. I personally think the animation is great, but the content is some of the weaker stuff we’ve seen from Apple in recent memory. But take a look below and see for yourself. “I can do anything” […]
Continue reading...Friday, December 12, 2008
Yes yes, it’s a slow news day, but there was some prominent Apple product placement on last night’s episode of 30 Rock. When Liz Lemon is talking to Toofer and Jack, we see that she does all her comedy writing on a MacBook Pro. We’ve written earlier about Apple product placement on some of TV’s […]
Continue reading...Thursday, December 11, 2008
Check out this new online ad for the iPod Touch which manipulates the online elements on the Yahoo! Games page. Pretty cool stuff. via AdvertisingAge
Continue reading...Monday, December 8, 2008
After a lot hype, it now seems that the iPhone is, in fact, coming to Walmart around December 28. While customers won’t be able to pick one up for 99 bucks, Apple’s presence in Walmart will be a huge move for Apple in increasing its distribution. But some are claiming that an Apple/Walmart mix might […]
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009