Tag Archive | "advertising"

If Microsoft made a Candy Commercial (Parody Video)

Monday, April 6, 2009


In Microsoft’s most recent “Laptop Hunter” commercial, a guy is looking for a laptop and 2 of his top requirements include “portability” and “battery life”.  In the end, he gets an HP that happens to be extremely heavy, with a battery life that’s nothing to write home about.  In the process, he dismisses purchasing a […]

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New Microsoft ad takes another shot at Apple

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Microsoft recently released another ad in its “Laptop Hunter” series where they follow individuals looking for a computer with certain specifications.  If they can find it for under a certain price, Microsoft foots the bill. Wow, I wonder if Sony has a similar deal for their LCD TV’s? In Microsoft’s latest ad, we meet Giampaolo, a […]

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In case you’re interested, Microsoft Laura’s acting Resume

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Microsoft’s latest commercial has probably been generating a lot more scrutiny over the use of an “actress” than necessary.  But we’ll jump on the bandwagon anyways and drop this gem on ya –  in case any of you are curious, check out Lauren De Long’s acting Resume below, complete with headshots.  Also, her IMDB page […]

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Windows Marketplace Ad is a snoozer

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Microsoft’s new promotional video for the upcoming Windows Marketplace reeks of overproduced, boardroom inspired, convention style advertising.  Here are some of the more humorous tidbits from the video: “Browse through a myriad of options, and check their ratings with a 5 star system” –  Wow, a 5 star system?! “Purchase the application and it downloads […]

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Why Microsoft doesn’t get it

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


In light of Microsoft’s recent commercial where it touts relatively cheaper PC’s as an alternative to Apple, the following quote seems especially on point: “Microsoft just doesn’t get it, because Microsoft has never sold personal computers. From its perspective, computer hardware is interchangeable and just a platform for moving copies of Windows. Microsoft sees every […]

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Microsoft’s latest commercial misses the point

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Microsoft’s latest commercial has been getting a lot of buzz over the past few days, but lost in the discussion is whether or not the ad is even effective in the first place.  I, for one, thought the ad was pretty entertaining, but feel that it ultimately failed to adequately address the actual reasons people […]

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Apple is all up in Microsoft’s head as Microsoft takes jab at Apple pricing in new commercial

Friday, March 27, 2009


In Microsoft’s latest commercial, a girl goes looking for a 17inch laptop priced under $1000.  If she can find one that meets her criteria, Microsoft foots the bill.  At one point in the commercial, the girl goes into an Apple Store only to come out and say that the only sub-$1000 laptop for sale had […]

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Advertising: Dell Adamo v. MacBook Air

Monday, March 23, 2009


DesignO’blog takes an interesting look at the difference in advertising used to promote the Dell Adamo and MacBook Air.  Check it out over here. Below are commercials for each respective notebook, starting with the Adamo. And now the Air. What do you guys think?  Is any one approach clearly better than the other?  Are they […]

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Quote of the Day: Apple as a fashion statement?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The ultra-thin Dell Adamo is being advertised as a worthy alternative to the MacBook Air, with a Dell spokesman even going so far as to say that they “are positioning the Adamo as a fashion statement.”  That begs the question – Is that the reason why MacBook Air owners purchase their machines?  To make a […]

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Microsoft has a branding problem

Thursday, March 5, 2009

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I came across an article today titled “5 Great Microsoft Web Services You Probably Don’t Use” and was struck by the sheer number of different names Microsoft has for all its different services.  More problematic, I think, is that the name of each service doesn’t usually hint at what the service actually provides.  Even a […]

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Blackberry ad takes a shot at Apple.. literally

Thursday, February 26, 2009

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Check out this un-aired ad for the BlackBerry Storm. According to MacDailyNews, the video wasn’t considered by RIM, but was rather created as a “spec spot that’s meant to drum up business for the agency or production house that created it, in this case, GUAVA.” Pretty cool commercial in our opinion.  What do you guys […]

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Apple’s new iPod Touch Ad still focuses on Gaming

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Apple recently began airing a new iPod Touch commercial that, surprise surprise, emphasizes the device as a gaming platform. Interestingly, Apple now has links up on its ad page that allows users to download the song featured in the commercial, as well as a link directing users to a special iTunes page that contains all […]

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