Tag Archive | "advertising"

Apple’s latest “Get a Mac” ad – “Surprise”

Monday, August 24, 2009

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Check out Apple’s latest “Get a Mac” ad, titled Surprise.  Overall, the commercial is just okay, but the girl is pretty cute.  Guess you can’t win em’ all.

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New “Get a Mac” ad highlights PC viruses, stars David Puddy from Seinfeld

Monday, August 24, 2009

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The latest “Get a Mac” ad, titled Top Of The Line, debuted tonight and showcased Patrick Warburton, who you might know better as David Puddy from Seinfeld.  He plays an upscale PC who just can’t seem to shake off those pesky viruses and usability headaches.

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Apple already filming ads for unreleased Apple product

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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Now you can go ahead and classify this as the flimsiest of rumors, but the Sierra Sun is reporting that Apple yesterday filmed an ad for an unreleased product at Jax on the Tracks, a diner with a 1940’s vibe and motif. … but because the product they were advertising hadn’t been released, members of […]

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Palm Pre ad criticized for being too creepy

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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For the great job the Palm did in copying features of the iPhone for its Palm Pre, it hasn’t been nearly as successful at replicating Apple’s advertising prowess.  Palm recently released a commercial for the Pre that has been criticized for being creepy.  AdAge describes it thusly: The campaign features actress Tamara Hope speaking directly […]

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Apple debuts 2 new iPhone commercials [Video]

Monday, August 3, 2009


Apple on Monday unveiled 2 new iPhone ads.  One is called “Share”, and highlights iPhone apps that enable users to connect with one another, such as playing a multi-player game of iPhone Scrabble, or sharing contact information with other iPhone users with the “Bump” app.  (Quick bit of trivia: the Bump app was the 1 […]

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Should Apple use CEO Steve Jobs in their TV commercials? Hellz no!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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MacYourself has an article up arguing that Apple should feature CEO Steve Jobs in  TV commercials as a means to promote Mac and iPhone sales.  We happen to disagree. The article points out that a number of other companies have successfully featured their CEO’s in commercials, such as Dave Thomas from Wendys and Frank Perdue […]

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Microsoft to copy Apple Store design, will include “Guru Bar”

Saturday, July 25, 2009


With Microsoft copying Apple lock and step, it’s like 1995 all over again.  In the latest piece of un-innovation from Redmond, a leaked presentation from the consulting company Microsoft hired to help it design and layout its upcoming retail stores indicates that Ballmer and co. are looking to copy the layout and feel of Apple […]

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Apple dominates $1000+ computer market

Thursday, July 23, 2009


June data compiled by the NPD analysts reveals that when it comes to the $1000+ computer market, Apple enjoys a 91% market share. Joe Wilcox writes: According to NPD, in June, average selling prices for all PCs sold at US retail was $701, or $690 for desktops and $703 for notebooks. But the ASPs get […]

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The “Genius” of Rob Enderle, and the myth of Apple marketing

Thursday, July 23, 2009


In his latest article, Enderle writes: Apple is a marketing-driven company — something unique in the technology segment — while Microsoft has largely been engineering-driven. During the 90s, this was actually more of an Apple liability than an asset, because Apple was being run by people who clearly didn’t get Apple’s unique capability. Steve Jobs […]

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Duke makes old and historic TV commercials available for free download on iTunes U

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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Duke University is digitizing and adding an impressive number of old and historic TV commercials to its page on iTunes U.  The collection of historic commercials can be found on Duke’s “AdViews” section, and according to the University, are being made “available for use in research, teaching, and private study.” The AdViews archive currently has […]

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Apple reportedly demanded Microsoft stop running its “Laptop Hunter” ads.. we call BS

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Supposedly, Apple Legal picked up the phone and gave their old friends at Redmond a call, and asked them to stop running its “Laptop Hunter” ads.  Microsoft COO Kevin Turner had this to say during his keynote speech at the 2009 Worldwide Partner Conference. And so we’ve been running these PC value ads. Just giving […]

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Microsoft releases hilarious movie parody for Office 2010 [Video]

Monday, July 13, 2009


In anticipation of the upcoming Microsoft Office 2010 release, Microsoft released this hilarious parody of a movie preview titled, Office 2010: The Movie.  Dare I say that this is the best thing that Microsoft has ever released.  If only all advertising was this great. “Where is the font?!” “It’s somewhere between Ariel and Wingdings”

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