Rumor: Calacanis says Apple to release networked HDTVs

Fri, Oct 10, 2008

Analysis, News, Rumors

Cnet is touting a rumor that Apple is set to release networked HDTVs.  The rumor originated from tech celebrity Jason Calacanis who supposedly has first hand knowledge of this.  With everyone and their mom coming up with Apple rumors these days, I’m gonna have to call bullshit on this one.  Apple has nothing to gain from releasing an LCD TV.  The margins are thin, and given the lackluster performance of Apple TV, why would consumers flock to a more expensive Apple product that essentially does the same thing as a cheaper Apple product?  The article mentions that “TVs are a huge market”, but again, its a market that’s super competitive with slim margins.  Moreover, its ridiculous to think that a company like Apple, which makes premium electronic products, will be able to come up with something that’s competitive with what top HDTV makers Sony and Samsung already have out on the market.  Put simply, Apple isn’t going to revolutionize the HDTV market in the same way they did the cellphone market plainly because it’s not a market they have any desire to enter.  Sorry Calacanis, but you’re way off base on this one.


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