As if things couldn’t get any weirder in the on-going litigation between Apple and un-authorized clone maker Psystar, Apple recently filed a motion to remove the stay put in place after Psystar filed for bankruptcy protection 3 weeks ago. If you recall, Apple and Psystar were in the midst of the Discovery process when Apple […]
Continue reading...27. May 2009
You can always count on World Of Apple to come through with the goods when it comes to the legal aspect of Apple news, and the recent bankruptcy filing by Psystar is no different. Dizzle over at WoA was able to obtain the hearing transcript relating to Apple’s motion to compel Psystar to hand over […]
Continue reading...8. May 2009
A few days ago, Apple filed a motion with the court seeking to compel Psystar to hand over financial documents pertaining to revenues, profits, purchase receipts, and invoices. Psystar responded by saying that it wasn’t in possession of the documents sought by Apple, and that some of mentioned financial records didn’t even exist.
Continue reading...4. May 2009
As expected, Psystar today responded to Apple’s allegations that it hasn’t been forthcoming in handing over pertinent financial information. Psystar straight up denies all of Apple’s allegations, though its response contains an interesting contradiction and raises some interesting questions. Unlike previous filings, this one at least doesn’t have any spelling or grammatical errors. Yeah, I said it. […]
Continue reading...3. May 2009
Last July, Apple sued clone maker Psystar for illegally selling non-Apple hardware running OS X. Ever since, Psystar has engaged in a number of legal gymnastics in an effort to divert attention away from the issue at hand. If you recall, Psystar initially responded to Apple’s lawsuit by counterclaiming that Apple maintained an illegal monopoly […]
Continue reading...14. March 2009
A Cincinnati woman is suing Apple for $75,000 and attorney’s fees after an iPod Touch allegedly caught on fire and burned a hole through her son’s pants. And no folks, this ain’t the onion! Ars Technica reports: ..the iPod touch was sitting in the “off” position when it unexpectedly popped and caused the kid to […]
Continue reading...9. March 2009
Cleanin’ out my docket. Wow, a new level of nerdity. Eminem’s production company, FBT Productions, recently lost their legal case against Universal Records where they alleged that artists should be entitled to higher royalty rates on sales made via iTunes. The demand for higher royalties wasn’t limited to music, and was actually made to encompass […]
Continue reading...17. February 2009
ifoAppleStore reports: The attorneys for two disabled Oakland (Calif.) women have reached a settlement with Apple Inc. over their lawsuit alleging the San Francisco store is not accessible to persons in wheelchairs. Apple denied any liability for the women’s claims, but did agree to a three-page list of changes to the store. Both sides agreed […]
Continue reading...13. February 2009
ArsTechnica has an interesting article highlighting Apple’s attempts to convince the Copyright Office to not issue an exemption to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act for individuals who jailbreak their iPhone. On the other side of the coin is the EEF (Electronic Fronteir Foundation) which is “pushing hard” for the exemption. Every three years, the Copyright […]
Continue reading...8. February 2009
Last week, a federal judge ruled that Psystar would be given permission to amend its counterclaims against Apple to include allegations of copyright misuse. If you recall, Apple initially sued Psystar for illegally selling copies of Leopard installed on non-Apple hardware. In response, Psystar initiated a counterclaim where it accused Apple of having a monopoly […]
Continue reading...4. February 2009
A consumer advocate group in Norway that initiated legal proceedings against Apple for failing top open up its iTunes store to other music players has dropped its legal case in light of Apple’s recent announcment that iTunes would be going DRM free. ArsTechnica has more on the story overe here.
Continue reading...3. February 2009
AppleInsider reports on the nature of the lawsuits: They, too, cite the conclusions of Swedish engineering weekly Ny Teknik that some phones aren’t sensitive enough to 3G signals and boost their own signal to compensate, creating the network conflict. Successive and independent evaluations contradict this theory, however, concluding that the iPhone 3G does not suffer […]
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15. June 2009
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