Sometimes you have to wonder if Psystar is actually aware that they’re in the midst of a lawsuit that could potentially send their employees to jail (for purposefully deleting evidence). Often times, it seems that Psystar’s main priorities include posturing up for the sake of publicity and pointless attempts to mock Apple.
Continue reading...17. August 2009
The ongoing litigation between Apple and un-authorized clonemaker Psystar is turning into a full-fledged legal circus of epic proportions. In what seems to be a pattern here, it seems that Psystar has yet again engaged in some questionable legal conduct. Moreover, Psystar once again seems more concerned with publicly mocking Apple than it is with, […]
Continue reading...13. August 2009
Apple recently emerged victorious in a legal case alleging that Apple illegally configured iTunes to work exclusively with iPods and not with third party MP3 players. The Plaintiff in the case, Stacie Somers, was seeking class-action status, a motion which was denied by U.S. District Judge James Ware on account that Somers failed to prove […]
Continue reading...29. July 2009
Psystar, the company Apple’s suing for illegally selling non-Apple hardware running OS X, issued a statement yesterday announcing that it had hired a new law firm, and that they’re looking forward to answering Apple’s legal challenges head on. Included in the statement is an attempt by Psystar to defend its actions. Everyone here values openness. […]
Continue reading...28. July 2009
Psystar, everyone’s favorite un-authorized Mac clonemaker, released a statement on its website today vowing to take on Apple Legal head on with guns blazin’. Not only does Psystar have new legal counsel, it also comes armed with spurious and misleading legal claims. Check out their full statement below:
Continue reading...22. July 2009
Comments Off on Daily Show riffs on Pull My Finger v. iFart Mobile court case [Video]
In case you missed it, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart riffed on the pending lawsuit between Eric Stratton (the developer of the Pull My Finger iPhone app) and Joel Comm, one of the guys behind the immensely popular iFart Mobile app. Stratton claims that iFart Mobile ripped off his idea and illegally misappropriated the […]
Continue reading...17. July 2009
Believe it or not, but we’ve finally found a lawsuit more ridiculous than the one involving Psystar. This past Wednesday, Gregory McKenna of Florissant, Missouri filed a lawsuit in the St. Louis district court alleging that Apple, working in conjunction with the New York Mafia, placed tiny transmitters in an iPod Shuffle he purchased on […]
Continue reading...17. July 2009
Comments Off on Psystar retains new Law Firms to screw over
When unauthorized and all-around shady Apple clone maker Psystar filed for bankruptcy nearly 2 months ago, it was largely seen as an attempt to either avoid or delay its pending litigation with Apple. By filing for bankruptcy, Psystar was able to get a stay on the legal proceedings with Apple, effectively putting the upcoming trial […]
Continue reading...16. July 2009
Supposedly, Apple Legal picked up the phone and gave their old friends at Redmond a call, and asked them to stop running its “Laptop Hunter” ads. Microsoft COO Kevin Turner had this to say during his keynote speech at the 2009 Worldwide Partner Conference. And so we’ve been running these PC value ads. Just giving […]
Continue reading...2. July 2009
Say what you will about Psystar, but you can’t deny that they have balls. Hot on the heels of their bankruptcy filing and yet another court defeat to Apple, Psystar recently unveiled a new Nehalem-based Mac clone for $1,499, a setup it touts as as its fastest and quietest configuration to date. And in an […]
Continue reading...23. June 2009
Comments Off on Brankuptcy court lifts stay in Psystar/Apple case, litigation will continue
About a month ago, Psystar filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, a move which put a temporary “stay” on its litigation with Apple. Shortly thereafter, Apple filed a motion with the court seeking to lift the stay, arguing that Psystar’s bankruptcy filing was merely a tactic being used to delay litigation, and to avoid handing […]
Continue reading...18. June 2009
The ongoing saga between Apple and Psystar is turning into quite a soap opera, at least for Apple and legal geeks. The latest piece of news is that Psystar recently filed a motion with the court seeking permission to continue using business checks and deposit slips. That motion was denied. According to Groklaw, the ability […]
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17. August 2009