The ongoing legal dispute between Psystar and Apple continues to soldier on, with the latest dispute centering on a Psystar motion which seeks to make Apple’s technological circumvention measures in OS X publicly available information. When this case first started, Judge Alsup issued a ruling which allowed both parties to keep confidential information private. So […]
Continue reading...10. October 2009
Comments Off on Psystar and Apple both file for Summary Judgment in California: An in-depth look at their arguments
Earlier this week, both Psystar and Apple filed motions for Summary Judgment with the Court in California. Summary Judgement, in the simplest of terms, is when a Judge throws out a party’s case (or certain issues in a case) because it lacks any substantive legal evidence in support of its claims. In order for a […]
Continue reading...7. October 2009
Apple has referred to its standard issue mouse as a “Mighty Mouse” since 2005, but a recent ruling from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) might mean that Apple will have to start coming up with an alternative name for its mouse sometime soon. The “Mighty Mouse” moniker is by no means an […]
Continue reading...6. October 2009
About a month ago, Psystar filed a motion with the court in California seeking an order which would compel Apple to disclose sensitive financial information such as profit margin data for its products. If you recall, Psystar was extremely unhappy that Apple’s Senior VP of marketing, Phil Schiller, was unwilling to discuss those details during […]
Continue reading...2. October 2009
Comments Off on Psystar counsel resigns from Psystar defense team
Before you jump to any conclusions, let us say right off the bat that Camara & Sibley are still working with Psystar in their ongoing litigation with Apple. Rather, the resigning party is attorney David Welker of the California based law firm Welker and Rosario, where he not surprisingly serves as a Partner. According to […]
Continue reading...2. October 2009
Comments Off on Eminem’s music publisher and Apple settle in Court
After one week in court, Apple and Eminem’s music publisher, Eight Mile Style LLC, were able to reach a settlement agreement stemming from a lawsuit alleging that Apple was never authorized to digitally sell 93 of Eminem’s songs on iTunes. Apple asserted that it had struck a deal with Aftermath Records, which owns the rights […]
Continue reading...24. September 2009
After hearing from both Apple and Psystar, U.S. District Court Judge Alsup refused to dismiss Psystar’s newly brought lawsuit in Florida and denied Apple’s motion to re-open discovery in the current case to include issues pertaining to OS X Snow Leopard. If you recall, Psystar recently filed a lawsuit in Florida seeking an injunction against […]
Continue reading...24. September 2009
Comments Off on Apple and Eminem to meet in court again after failing to reach settlement agreement
Apple and Eminem’s publishing company, Eight Mile Style LLC, were unable to come to a settlement agreement yesterday regarding the sale of 93 Eminem songs on iTunes which Eight Mile LLC alleges Apple never had authorization to sell digitally. A non-jury trial is expected to begin today before U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor. Apple’s […]
Continue reading...24. September 2009
Comments Off on Psystar argues why Snow Leopard case is different from the ongoing Leopard litigation
A few weeks ago, Florida based clonemaker Psystar filed a lawsuit against Apple in the state of Florida seeking a court order that would allow it to sell copies of Snow Leopard on non-Apple hardware in addition to seeking an injunction against Apple that would prevent it from tying its OS X solely to Apple […]
Continue reading...23. September 2009
If rapper Eminem and Apple aren’t able to reach an agreement by tomorrow, the two sides may find themselves in court over Apple allegedly selling 93 of Slim Shady’s songs on iTunes without the express permission of Eight Mile Style LLC, Eminem’s music publisher.
Continue reading...21. September 2009
When Houston author Elaine Scott saw that the entire text from her book Stocks and bonds: profits and losses was freely available for download on the document sharing website Scribd, she was mortified at the overt copyright infringement at her expense. Not surprisingly, she took to the courts and filed a class action lawsuit against […]
Continue reading...15. September 2009
A few weeks ago, Psystar filed a lawsuit against Apple seeking a court order that would allow it to sell Snow Leopard on non-Apple hardware in addition to seeking an injunction against Apple to prevent it from tying OS X to Apple hardware. Psystar’s arguments rest on claims that Apple’s actions are anti-competitive and run […]
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16. October 2009