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New AT&T commercial fires back at Verizon [Video]

18. November 2009

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It’s funny how a seemingly innocuous 30 second commercial about 3G cell coverage can ruffle so many feathers.  2 weeks ago, AT&T sued Verizon over a commercial which it claims paints an inaccurate and misleading picture regarding AT&T’s nationwide cellphone coverage. Earlier today, a Federal Judge denied AT&T’s request for an injunction that would have […]

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An in-depth look at Psystar’s legal defeat at the hands of Apple

18. November 2009


Last Friday, Judge Alsup dealt Psystar a death blow when it granted Apple’s motion for Summary Judgment while at the same time denying Psystar’s own motion for Summary Judgment.  Summary Judgment is essentially when a Judge dismisses an entire case, or specific issues in a case, because it lacks any evidentiary support. Now that we’ve […]

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Psystar gets owned

15. November 2009

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As you might already be aware, Psystar recently lost a huge legal battle with Apple when Judge Alsup granted Apple’s motion for Summary Judgment while denying Pystar’s.  The ruling reads in part: Psystar infringed Apple’s exclusive right to create derivative works of Mac OS X.  Specifically, it made three modifications: (1) replacing the Mac OS […]

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Psystar president Rudy Pedraza contradicts sworn legal statement in newspaper article

11. November 2009


We’ve been following the ongoing legal battle between Psystar and Apple extremely closely here at Edible Apple, and this week should be a doozy with Judge Alsup scheduled to issue a ruling on both parties’ motions for Summary Judgment tomorrow. With D-day only one day away, the Broward/Palm Beach News recently ran an interesting 6-page […]

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Psystar is up to its old tricks, claims it simply bundles software with OS X

5. November 2009


This past August, embattled clonemaker Psystar filed a complaint in the state of Florida seeking a ruling from the court which would allow them to sell copies of copies of Snow Leopard on its own hardware.  In addition, Psystar is also seeking an injunction against Apple that would preclude them from tying OS X to […]

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AT&T sues Verizon over “misleading” commercials

3. November 2009

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AT&T is suing Verizon over the following commercial which takes a jab at AT&T by misappropriating Apple’s famous iPhone tagline, “There’s an app for that”, and replacing it with “There’s a map for that”.  AT&T asserts that the map shown in the commercial implies that AT&T lacks coverage in all of the white spots on […]

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Motorola Droid lacks multitouch – Is Google afraid of a lawsuit from Apple?

3. November 2009

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The upcoming Motorola Droid is the latest darling of the tech blogosphere, and there’s no denying that its specs, and in particular its gorgeous 3.7-inch screen, are objectively impressive.  But lost in the mix of all Droid discussions is the fact that the Droid isn’t multi-touch enabled and doesn’t offer users the ability to pinch […]

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Psystar and Apple continue to battle it out in court

29. October 2009


Last Friday, both Apple and Psystar filed motions in opposition to the other sides motion for summary judgment.  After pouring through all of the pertinent motions, and digesting all of the non-redacted exhibits, it seems abundantly clear that Psystar is grasping for straws.  Below, I’ve highlighted the arguments presented by each party. If you recall, […]

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Apple intends to fight Nokia patent lawsuit “vigorously”

27. October 2009

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Last week, Nokia made headlines when it sued Apple over what it claims are infringing iPhone technologies which relate to wireless connectivity, security, and speech coding.  Nokia claims that Apple is infringing upon 10 Nokia patents in total, and according to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, Nokia is looking to collect 1-2% in royalties on […]

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Was Nokia’s patent lawsuit against Apple a pre-emptive strike?

23. October 2009

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Yesterday we reported that Nokia launched a lawsuit against Apple claiming that the iPhone infringes on a number of Nokia patents which relate to technologies that make devices compatible with wireless LAN standards. Regardless of whether or not Nokia has a solid case, it’s interesting that they waited until the third iteration of the iPhone before […]

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Report: Nokia wants about $200 million from Apple over patent dispute

22. October 2009

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Earlier today we reportedthat Nokia launched a lawsuit against Apple claiming that the iPhone, since the first iteration, has been infringing upon a number of Nokia patents relating to technologies that make devices compatible with wireless LAN standards. In a note to investors today, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster writes that Nokia is looking to collect […]

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Nokia sues Apple for patent infringement

22. October 2009

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Nokia today sued Apple for allegedly infringing on a number of patents relating to technologies that made devices compatible with wireless LAN standards.  Nokia claims that Apple’s iPhone has been infringing on their patents since it was first released in 2007.  Interestingly, when Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone, he made a point of saying […]

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