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Judge dismisses class action lawsuit over faulty iMac screens

22. December 2009

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A federal judge recently dismissed a class-action lawsuit which sought damages from Apple for allegedly not disclosing manufacturing defects pertaining to G5 iMac screens to customers.  The lawsuit specifically stated that vertical lines would often appear on iMac screens after the warranty had expired, leaving many consumers without adequate recourse.  The lawsuit stated that Apple was well […]

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Despite ruling, Psystar will continue legal battle against Apple

19. December 2009


Well, it looks like we spoke too soon.  Psystar, showing a clear disregard for any semblance of rationality, will solider on and continue to fight the good fight against Apple.  Yesterday afternoon, however, a number of factors suggested otherwise. First, Psystar’s website had been down for over 24 hours, hinting that changes were afoot for […]

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Psystar is dead. Judge grants Apple’s motion for sweeping permanent injunction

15. December 2009


After months of contentious litigation, Judge Alsup today granted Apple’s request for a permanent injunction and ruled that the injunction encompasses not only Snow Leopard, but Psystar’s Rebel EFI software as well.  As a quick reminder, Rebel EFI is a piece of downloadable software available on Psystar’s website that allows users to install OS X […]

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Apple countersues Nokia for patent infringement

11. December 2009

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Well this is certainly getting interesting.  In late October you’ll recall that Nokia sued Apple for infringing on a number of patents pertaining to technologies that help make devices compatible with wireless LAN standards and GSM and UMTS networks.  Nokia argues that Apple’s iPhone has been infringing on their patents since it was first released in […]

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Apple files motion arguing why injunction against Psystar should include Rebel EFI

10. December 2009


The past few weeks have not been kind to Psystar.  First, Judge Alsup issued a decisive ruling which essentially invalidated Psystar’s entire business model. And shortly thereafter, Psystar was ordered to pay nearly $2.7 million in damages to Apple for their infringing behavior. But in a pathetic attempt to keep up the legal shenanigans with […]

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Israeli high-tech firm drops perplexing patent lawsuit on Apple over live streaming technology

3. December 2009

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Just days after the upper echelon at Apple personally intervened to let the live streaming iPhone app Knocking Live Video into the app store, an Israeli high-tech firm called Emblaze Mobile has informed Apple that the app infringes on one of its media streaming patents in the US.  As we reported this past Tuesday, Knocking […]

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AT&T drops Verizon lawsuit

2. December 2009

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In light of its inability to get an injunction to prevent Verizon from running commercials lambasting AT&T’s network, AT&T has decided to drop its lawsuit against the largest mobile carrier in the country. AppleInsider writes: In November, AT&T had asked the court to pull what it felt were “misleading” advertisements from Verizon, criticizing AT&T’s nationwide […]

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Court rules that Psystar owes Apple $2.66 million in damages

2. December 2009

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Judge Alsup handed down a ruling on Monday stating that Psystar owes Apple $2.66 million in damages for infringing upon Apple’s OS X copyrights and violating provisions in the DMCA..  The $2.6 million figure is undoubtedly high, and is somewhat surprising because it’s higher than the $2.12 million figure actually requested by Apple.  Still, Apple […]

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Psystar and Apple enter partial agreement relating to damages, but Florida case still hangs in the balance

1. December 2009

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Apple and Psystar have entered into a partial settlement agreement whereby Psystar will agree to pay a specified amount in statutory damages to Apple on the condition that Apple not exercise the right to receive those damages until after Psystar has exhausted the appeals process. 

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Apple acquires right to “TabletMac” trademark

30. November 2009

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Well this sure is pretty interesting.  It turns out that Axiotron, a company that takes MacBook screens and transforms them into tablets, has relinquished the rights to the trademark, “TabletMac”, having transferred ownership of the trademark over to Apple on November 6, 2008.  We should also point out that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak joined Axiotron’s […]

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Apple files motion to have Psystar case in Florida dismissed or transferred

25. November 2009

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In the midst of the Apple/Psystar litigation in California, Psystar took the liberty this past August of filing a similar case in Florida which sought permission from the court to allow it to sell copies of Snow Leopard on non-Apple hardware.  Now that Apple has already won its motion for Summary Judgment in California and […]

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Apple seeks permanent injunction against Psystar; $2.12 million in damages

25. November 2009

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About two weeks ago, Judge Alsup granted Apple’s motion for Summary Judgment when he ruled that Psystar’s actions infringed on a number of Apple’s copyrights while also violating provisions in the DMCA.  As such, Apple this week filed a motion seeking a permanent injunction which would prevent Psystar from selling OS X on non-Apple hardware […]

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