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Apple sues HTC for Patent Infringement

2. March 2010

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When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in 2007, he briefly mentioned that the final product was the result of hundreds of patents. “And boy have we patented it,” he famously remarked. Since then, Apple has primarily used its patent portfolio for defensive measures and hasn’t pro-actively initiated lawsuits against competitors. Remember that when the Palm Pre […]

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Apple faces potential legal spat with Fujitsu over iPad trademark

28. January 2010

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Apple’s recently announced iPad device may soon be at the center of a trademark dispute with Fujitsu, a Tokyo-based company who released a mobile device by the same name way back in 2002. Fujitsu’s iPad, in case you’re curious, runs a Microsoft mobile OS, comes with a 3.5 inch color touchscreen, and supports VoIP telephone […]

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Solid writeup on the Nokia Apple patent dispute

19. January 2010

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As you may already be aware, Nokia and Apple are apparently trying to sue each other to oblivion, with each side looking to block the import of the others’ devices. At issue, naturally, are claims of patent infringement relating to a whole host of technologies. Chris Dannen of BNET penned an article a few days […]

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Bar Exam preparation app for the iPhone now available for $1000

18. January 2010


As a law student, the joy and excitement of graduation quickly fades once the realization sets in that you’ll be spending the bulk of your Summer studying for the Bar Exam, a mandatory test law-school grads must pass before they can practice law. Preparing for the Bar Exam is a rigorous and time consuming process, […]

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Apple fights back – seeks to ban all imports of Nokia phones

16. January 2010

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The ongoing patent dispute between Nokia and Apple has both companies pulling out their big guns. Nokia got things started in October when it sued Apple for allegedly infringing on a number of patents relating to wireless LAN standards and GSM/UMTS networks. In early December, Apple countersued claiming that Nokia phones infringe on 13 Apple’s […]

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Apple hires M&A specialist to make corporate acquisitions a quicker and simpler process

15. January 2010

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As opposed to some of the larger tech companies, like Microsoft and Google, Apple doesn’t really go on start-up spending sprees, which might come as a surprise given that it has well over $30 billion in cold hard cash sitting in the bank. On the contrary, Apple has only purchased a grand total of 11 […]

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Apple all but confirms existence of tablet with cease and desist letter to Gawker

14. January 2010

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Apple today all but confirmed the existence of a tablet when it sent a cease and desist letter to Gawker demanding it that it immediately stop running a contest whereby it would pay tipsers huge sums of cash for tangible and verifiable information about Apple rumored tablet device. For example, Valleywag, a Gawker web property, has a standing […]

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Apple snatches 16 domains names from domain squatter

8. January 2010

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TechCrunch reports that Apple recently obtained, via a court order, 16 domain names from a domain squatter who used url’s relating to Apple products to drive traffic to websites that sold competing products Specifically, Daniel Bijan, a Los Angeles-based “mega producer, singer, and entrepreneur,” owned 16 domains that Apple wanted. Apple filed a complain to […]

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Nokia files another broad lawsuit against Apple over patent infringement

4. January 2010

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The legal battle between Nokia and Apple just got bumped up another notch with Nokia recently filing a second lawsuit in federal court alleging that a wide range of Apple products infringe on several of Nokia’s implementation patents. Specifically, Nokia alleges that the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Classic, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, iMac, MacBook, MacBook […]

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Apple prevails in iPod hearing loss case

2. January 2010

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Well, you can finally chalk one up to the Courts for dismissing what can only be described as a frivolous and moronic lawsuit. Back in 2006, a Louisiana man sued Apple alleging that the iPod was responsible for his hearing loss. The suit specifically mentioned that the volume on the iPod can be raised to […]

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Nokia: Every Apple product infringes on our patents

29. December 2009

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Nokia on Tuesday responded to Apple’s countersuit by filing a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleging Apple has been infringing on Nokia’s patents in “virtually all of its mobile phones, portable music players, and computers” sold. In its complaint, Nokia specifically references seven patents relating to a varying number of technologies, including but […]

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Psystar still doesn’t get it, as they enter the T-shirt business

29. December 2009


Poor old and reliable Psystar. They just don’t know when to say when, and either out of stupidity or bad advice from their legal counsel, they continue to posture up in an attempt to take on Apple. Not too long ago, Judge Alsup issued a broad permanent injunction which not only precludes Psystar from selling […]

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