Kapersky Lab offers free scanning and cleanup for Flashback malware

Wed, Apr 11, 2012


With Apple still busying itself while trying to get a handle on the Flashback malware that’s reportedly infected upwards of 600,000 Macs, one security firm has taken it upon itself to step up to the plate and offer their own solution.

Noted security research firm Kapersky Lab, which confirmed the initial findings of the Dr. Web security firm, yesterday announced the release of a free tool users can use to see if they’ve been infected. The tool, so to speak, is actually a website users can visit whereby a program will run a user’s UUID against their database of infected Flashback computers.

  • Visit Kaspersky Lab’s site at www.flashbackcheck.com to determine if you’re infected.
  • This dedicated site is safe for users to visit and enter their computer’s UUID, which will be checked in Kaspersky Lab’s Flashfake database of infected computers. Instructions for entering user UUIDs are included as well.

I just ran it, and I know you guys are all waiting with baited breath, but rest assured, my computer is safe from infection.

If you happen to find yourself infected, Kapersky Lab has some homegrown solutions for you in the form of a free removal tool that will scan your machine and remove the offending files. It’s a free download, so hop to it if need be.

via Kapersky



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