Apple takes control of iPhone-related porn domain names

Wed, Nov 23, 2011


In early November, Apple filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) seeking take ahold of 7 adult-themed domain names which co-opt Apple product names in an effort to trick consumers and make a quick and dishonest buck. As of this week, Apple dropped their complaint.

As a quick backdrop, WIPO is an agency of the United Nations designed to protect intellectual property rights. As part of its mission, it deals with cybersquatters who often purchase, in bulk no less, domain names extremely similar to established brands and products.

In any event, the domain names in question included:

As of Wednesday morning, all of the above sites still direct users to adult websites (user be warned) but the domains now appear to be controlled by MarkMonitor, an company which handles domain acquisitions for a slew of large companies, including Apple, when the domain owner wishes to remain anonymous.

DomainNameWire, which first reported the story, states that Apple dropped their WIPO complaint after the owner of the aforementioned domains agreed to cede control.

Recently, and perhaps in response to an uptick in cybersquatting, Apple has taken on a more active role in its efforts to ensure that domains referencing Apple products and services don’t wind up in the hands of third parties. This past Summer, for example, Apple purchased 50 domain names pertaining to OS X Lion and iCloud.

And lest you think there’s no money in cybersquatting or misappropriating Apple product names into a domain, a Google search for iPhone 5 yields a garbage site – on the first results page – simply because it has iPhone 5 in the title. What’s more, all the way up to and beyond have already been registered.

While that’s understandably frustrating to Apple, things are a lot worse when pornographic content is involved. The last thing Apple wants is a middle-aged woman casually typing in as to buy a present for her husband and be subjected to offensive photos.

via DomainNewsWire


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