Unfortunately, the battle between picking a strong password and picking one that’s easy to remember isn’t much of battle at all. The number of people who still choose weak passwords to access their email, for example, is astonishing. When it comes to iPhone passcodes, things are decidedly worse to the extent that guessing someones iOS […]
Continue reading...16. June 2011
Comments Off on Apple to spend $6.7 million to replace iconic Glass Cube at NYC’s Fifth Avenue store
Apple’s flagship “Cube” store on Fifth Avenue in NYC not only generates an insane amount of cash for Apple, it just also happens to be one of the most photographed “landmarks” in the world. Back in 2009 we noted that the Cube, according to Flickr, was the 28th most photographed landmark in the world and […]
Continue reading...16. June 2011
Comments Off on New “Project Spartan” initiative from Facebook looks to circumvent iOS App Store
Given how similar Apple and Facebook are to the extent they both want to wield absolute control over their products, the latest rumor emanating out of Silicon Valley isn’t all that surprising. TechCrunch is reporting that Facebook is working hard on a new secretive initiative dubbed “Project Spartan” that will be an entirely new HTML […]
Continue reading...16. June 2011
Comments Off on Apple announces 2011 Back To School promotion
Apple earlier today released their 2011 Back to School promotion and while it’s good, it’s certainly not as appealing as the rumored “$200 off an iPad” deal that was floating around a few weeks ago. Under Apple’s new promotion, all folks eligible for education pricing who purchase a qualifying Mac from June 16 through September […]
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16. June 2011
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