Photos of Steve Jobs in his Palo Alto home following his 2004 surgery

Wed, Nov 24, 2010


A few weeks after undergoing surgery to remove a malignant tumor from his pancreas back in 2004, Apple CEO Steve Jobs let Time Magazine photographer Diana Walker take a few photos at his home in Palo Alto.

These photos were recently unearthed by allaboustevejobs and have been making the rounds ever since. TIME Magazine ended up using one of the photos as part of their “2004: People who Mattered” spread. Below are a few photos taken by Walker.

Here’s Jobs at his Palo Alto home in 1995. No iMac for Mr. Jobs it seems! Also, note the Apple extended keyboard. Ah, memories.

Not sure who’s on the screen, but there’s Jobs’ fancy schmancy phone on the left.

Just loungin’. And note the Amazon box on the left. Why? Who knows.

“I want his family dead! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!”

The photo ultimately used by TIME.

Aw hell, create  your own caption for this one.



1 Comments For This Post

  1. Viswakarma Says:

    Who are the idiots who came up with captions! These people have hate flowing in their arteries and veins, not blood!!!

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