Leeds University announced plans to give its fourth and fifth year medical students iPhone 3GSs to help them access progress files, assessment modules, and other pertinent course and patient information on the go. All told, over 520 med students will be given iPhones and Leeds notes that it’s the first medical school to institute such a program in the UK.
Each complimentary iPhone will come pre-loaded with dedicated medical apps which will enable students to access textbooks and reference materials while in the hospital.
“Copies of key medical textbooks and reference works, including up-to-date guidelines on administering prescription drugs, will also be distributed as iPhone apps. A range of other relevant medical apps that can be downloaded free-of-charge or purchased will be provided too.”
Students will get unlimited mobile broadband connectivity from O2 on their iPhones as part of the loan deal, with phone and text functions available to them on a pay-as-you-go basis.
via TechRadar
Mon, Sep 27, 2010