Turn your iPhone into a 45x Microscope for $11

Wed, Sep 15, 2010


Now this is a do-it-yourself project that you can actually do yourself. The camera on the iPhone 4 is absolutely remarkable, but why not make a great camera that much more powerful? Case in point: For just $11 you can purchase an SE Mini 45x Microscope with an illuminator from Amazon, hook it up to the back of your iPhone case, and have a pretty bad ass portable Microscope at your disposal. Check out the video below to see the contraption in action, along with instructions on how to set everything up.

Some of the comments for the SE Microscope on Amazon note that the magnification is more or less around 20x and not 45x, but given how cheap it is and how lightweight it is, it still seems like a worthwhile weekend project.

via Crabfu ArtWorks



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