Report: AT&T confirms to employees iPhone launch in June

Wed, May 26, 2010


Not terribly shocking news, but BGR is reporting that AT&T has officially confirmed with employees that Apple’s next-gen iPhone will launch in June. BGR also adds in that the phone will be available for purchase before late June. Whispers from back in April hinted at a June 22 launch, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Steve Jobs is expected to introduce the iPhone 4G on June 7 as part of the WWDC keynote. We’re not counting on it, but how great would it be if Gray Powell took the stage.

Funniness from Twitter:

Prediction: Gray Powell comes on stage with Steve during G4 event. Crowd cheers. Pretends to leave iPhone behind as he walks off. Crowd LOL.

Or, imagine Steve walks out on stage, talks about the next-gen iPhone but subsequently can’t find the device when he wants to showcase it live. In walks Gray Powell from offstage and hands the next-gen iPhone to Jobs. Crowd goes nuts.




1 Comments For This Post

  1. JT Says:

    I work for ATT and I got no notice of a new iPhone… 🙁

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