“I swear to you, I had no idea the iPhone was stolen!”
Continue reading...20. April 2010
Comments Off on Live reporting from Apple’s earnings conference call
– 8.75 million in iPhone sales, eclipsing previous record which was during last years holiday quarter – iPhone now sold on 151 carriers across 81 countries – 1.68 billion compared to 1.38 billion, 22 percent increase apple retail stores – Half of Macs sold at Apple Stores were to customers who never owned a Mac […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
Apple today wowed investors this afternoon with an impressive earnings report that toppled Wall St. estimates yet again. For the 2Q of 2010, Apple reported EPS of $3.33 a share on revenue of $13.5 billion. Net profits for the quarter came in at $3.07 billion, which is nearly 90% higher than Apple’s profits from the […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
This Gizmodo/iPhone 4G story sure has some legs, don’t it? While Gizmodo is reaping all of the pageview rewards for its expose on Apple’s upcoming iPhone, it appears that Engadget was offered a similar purchasing opportunity but decided to turn it down on the advice of their legal team. The WSJ reports: Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
Comments Off on Princeton publishes report detailing iPad DHCP issues
Princeton University recently documented some problematic wireless issues they’ve encountered on campus due to the growing number of iPads. The malfunction we see is that the iPad uses DHCP to obtain a lease, renews the lease zero or more times (as expected), but then continues using the IP address without renewing the lease further. The […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
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You might have missed it amidst all the hoopla surrounding the leak of Apple’s next-gen iPhone, but two new iPhone ads recently hit the airwaves. The first one, called Backpacker, highlights the utility of the iPhone when traveling abroad. The second ad, titled Dog Lover, apparently hits hard at the pet loving demographic.
Continue reading...20. April 2010
While the full extent of the fallout from Gizmodo’s leaking of the iPhone 4G is yet to be determined, one can’t help but notice some of the glaring holes in Gizmodo’s story regarding how they came to be in possession of said device. Gizmodo detailed the backstory of the “missing” iPhone yesterday, where they emphasized […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
Comments Off on Palm’s Senior VP of software and services prepares to jump ship to Twitter
Is this perhaps another nail in the Palm coffin? As part of their recently submitted SEC filing, Palm stated that their senior VP of software and services, Michael Abbot, would be leaving the company. Abbot was reportedly a driving force behind the largely well-received WebOS platform which, while decent in its own right, simply wasn’t […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
We’ll have more on Gizmodo’s hipocracy in outing the Apple engineer who left his iPhone 4G at a bar, but quickly wanted to direct your attention to this bullshit post from Gizmodo editor Brian Lam advising Gray Powell to keep his head up. Hey man, I know things seem really tough right now. We had […]
Continue reading...20. April 2010
Gizmodo is reporting that they received a letter, via email, from Apple General Counsel Bruce Sewell asking them to return the now infamous iPhone 4G. According to Brian Lam, Gizmodo’s Editorial Director, Apple actually called him earlier in the day asking for the device back, but Lam told them that Apple would have to make […]
Continue reading...19. April 2010
What a day for Apple. A nightmare come to life. Still, some fools are claiming that Gizmodo’s leaked photos of the iPhone 4G were actually part of a controlled leak by Apple in order to generate hype for the device. As if Apple needs any help from a tabloid tech site to build up hype […]
Continue reading...19. April 2010
The pre-release photos, videos, and information of Apple’s next-gen iPhone undoubtedly sent the folks over in Cupertino into a tailspin. We can’t even imagine what it was like at 1 Infinite Loop this morning, but suffice it to say, we feel for anyone who found themselves in the vicinity of Steve Jobs. Now that all […]
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20. April 2010
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