Psystar sues Apple.. AGAIN.. This time over Snow Leopard

Fri, Aug 28, 2009

Legal, News

Psystar sure has some balls.  According to a report from AppleInsider, Psystar filed yet another lawsuit against Apple this week, this time seeking an “injunction and damages due to Apple’s ‘anticompetitive attempts to tie Mac OS X Snow Leopard to its Macintosh line of computers.'”

Essentially, Psystar is arguing that it has a legal right to purchase copies of Snow Leopard, install it on Psystar hardware, and then sell those machines to the public at large.  Apple’s attempt to limit that “right”, Psystar argues, constitutes “anti-competitive behavior.”

I suppose, then, that I could sue Nintendo because Wii Sports is tied to the Wii and not playable on the PS3.  Gimme a break.  These Psystar clowns are ridiculous, and with each passing week, it seems that they keep pressing their luck with the legal system.

Just last week, they were ordered to pay Apple $5,000 in legal fees as a direct result of their CEO, Rudy Pedraza, lying during a sworn deposition.

Classy folks, those guys.

I’ve yet to get a copy of Psystar’s filing in its entirety, but AppleInsider posts an excerpt:

The Psystar computers that run Mac OS X Snow Leopard are able to do so by running software, written by Psystar, that interfaces with the open-source portion of Mac OS X Snow Leopard.  The manner in which Psystar computers run Mac OS X Snow Leopard is entirely different from the manner in which Psystar computers run Mac OS X Leopard.




1 Comments For This Post

  1. Ben Says:

    “I suppose, then, that I could sue Nintendo because Wii Sports is tied to the Wii and not playable on the PS3. Gimme a break”

    Not the same. In any way. Psystar isn’t suing Apple for not making a PC version of OS X, they’re suing Apple for not letting them do what they want with their legally purchased copies of Snow Leopard. Wii Sports won’t work on a PS3 no matter how hard you try. OS X runs fine on PCs. There in lies your difference. Shut up and stop making nonsensical arguments.

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