Archive | March, 2009

Enough about the iPod Shuffle DRM! (Mini rant included)

16. March 2009

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MacWorld reports on the mysterious chip pertaining to the iPod Shuffle: An Apple spokesman confirmed the presence of the chip to Macworld. “As part of the Made for iPod program, we make sure that third party headphones work properly with the third generation iPod shuffle,” the spokesman said. However, there is no DRM in this […]

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Will Apple announce a tablet tomorrow?

16. March 2009

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Seth Weintraub over at 9to5Mac suggestsa few plausible reasons that would have Apple announcing a tablet tomorrow at their special media event.  Rumors of a premium section on the app store have been making the rounds the past few weeks, but its clear that iPhone users would have a natural aversion towards paying $20 for most applications.  So […]

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iTunes DJ ushers in crowdsourcing for party playlists

16. March 2009


Lost in the controversy surrounding the iPod Shuffle (wow, I never thought I’d write that), was Apple’s iTunes 8.1 update.  One of the features included in the update is called ‘iTunes DJ’, which replaces, in name and function, the ‘Party Shuffle’ feature.  So what does iTunes DJ do exactly?  Well, Venture Beat laid out a […]

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Proof that netbooks are here to stay.. maybe

16. March 2009

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For some time now, nebooks have dominated the bestselling laptop list on Amazon.  But now, netbooks get an entire category all to themselves.  Is this proof that netbooks are here to stay, or just an indication that we’re at the peak of the netbook fad?

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Apple blocks un-authorized headphones for the iPod Shuffle: Good move or bad move?

15. March 2009


iLounge is reporting that Apple’s latest incarnation of the iPod Shuffle will only work on third party headphones that contain an authentication chip.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?  Here are 2 takes: Apple, what the @#$% are you thinking?! Seriously Apple?  Given that the navigation controls for the iPod Shuffle are […]

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Rumor: Kevin Rose says iPhone 3.0 update will include “Copy and Paste” and keep pace with Palm Pre [Video]

15. March 2009


At a live diggnation show at SXSW, Kevin Rose claimed that the new iPhone 3.0 software update will include support for copy and paste. With Apple’s scheduled presentation on the iPhone 3.0 software update just 2 days away, the rumors about what the update will have are piling up.  One of the more interesting, and […]

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Can the iPhone replace your toolkit?

15. March 2009

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The iPhone is an insanely helpful device.  You can watch movies on it, play games on it, trade stocks on it, and even process credit cards with it.  But can you use it to help you build a house?  Or a table?  That’s exactly the question Popular Mechanics asked recently, and their answer was a […]

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AT&T networks strain under heavy iPhone usage at SXSW

15. March 2009


iPhone users at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, TX this weekend were frustrated by AT&T’s inability to maintain quality service under the strain of heavy iPhone usage.  Naturally, attendees at SXSW tend to have the latest and greatest when it comes to gadgets, and a large percentage of them have iPhones.   Not […]

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Picture of a bathroom sink at Apple HQ

14. March 2009


No idea if this is accurate, but thought I’d pass it along anyhow. via Knaster Also check out: Old School Steve Jobs flicks off IBM

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iPod Touch catches fire on kids pants, parents sue

14. March 2009


A Cincinnati woman is suing Apple for $75,000 and attorney’s fees after an iPod Touch allegedly caught on fire and burned a hole through her son’s pants.  And no folks, this ain’t the onion! Ars Technica reports: ..the iPod touch was sitting in the “off” position when it unexpectedly popped and caused the kid to […]

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Apple adjusts review system on App Stores, adds nifty bar graphs

14. March 2009


Apple earlier this week made some welcome changes to how user reviews are tabulated on the iTunes App Store.  Instead of blanket reviews for all versions of an application, user reviews are now distinguished by what version of the application they were originally intended for.  As an example, assume that an application released in January […]

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Are hackintosh netbooks the gateway hack?

13. March 2009


A friend of mine recently installed OS X on a XP loaded netbook, and his initial reports are enthusiastically positive. The machine is fast, video chat on iChat works like a charm, screen sharing is no big deal, and as far as he can tell, he’s basically running a Macintosh machine. And all for under […]

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