While there still hasn’t been any official confirmation from Apple or anyone else regarding Apple attending CES 2010, CNET is reporting that the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has in fact confirmed that there will be a Mac themed exhibit at CES 2010 for Apple-centric manufacturers. A spokesman for CEA however wasn’t willing to go so […]
Continue reading...10. January 2009
Songsmith is a new music program Microsoft introduced at CES. I personally think its kind of absurd, but take a look at the video below and let me know what ya think. Could music creation be any less creatively inspired than this? Also, some are saying the computer used in the video is a MacBook […]
Continue reading...10. January 2009
MacBlogz is reporting that iPhone tethering might only cost 10 bucks a month. The biggest piece of information we learned was that AT&T is playing around with a $10 price-point. This made my eyes light up and I asked them how they could get away with charging a third of what was initially reported, here’s […]
Continue reading...10. January 2009
AppleInsider is corroborating earlier rumors suggesting that Apple is planning to attend CES in 2010. Wow. At first glance, the rumor seems preposterous. After all, didn’t Apple say that Macworld, which also takes place in January, put too much pressure on the company to come up with a razzle and dazzle product on someone else’s […]
Continue reading...10. January 2009
New data released by AdMob shows that the number of people using an iPhone or iPod Touch to connect to the internet is growing at an impressive rate. AdMob, which runs an ad network for mobile websites, compiled the following data in December 2008. Smartphones Worldwide Worldwide, the #1 source of smartphone web requests to […]
Continue reading...9. January 2009
Parallels Desktop, the virtualization software that lets you run XP and Vista on your Mac, introduced a new build with more features this week. Parallels has been a largely successful product, and is one of the few non-Apple software titles currently sold in Apple stores. That said, Parallels 4.0 was criticized by some users as […]
Continue reading...9. January 2009
If you thought Apple’s keynote this week was boring, I highly advise you not to watch Microsofts presentations at CES. This isn’t a swipe at Microsoft, but rather intended to show that the vast majority of presentations by tech companies aren’t terribly exciting. Yet for some reason, Apple is held to some impossible to reach […]
Continue reading...8. January 2009
While Apple was touting its eco-friendly MacBook Pro this past Tuesday, the folks over at Greenpeace weren’t having any of it. Techradar reports that Greenpeace still isn’t completely satisfied with Apple’s green initiatives. So what’s bugging Greenpeace now? Well, Steve Jobs promised in 2007 that all Apple products would be PVC and BFR free by […]
Continue reading...8. January 2009
Phil Schiller recently announced that the iTunes store was going fully DRM-free, and for whatever reason, people are still finding something to complain about. First off, Apple is charging 30 cents a song to upgrade to a DRM-free library. Does it suck? Is it annoying? Sure, but people need to calm the f down. I […]
Continue reading...8. January 2009
From Apple’s press release regarding the changes it’s making to the iTunes Store… Download the entire iTunes Store music catalog over 3G? Is that a challenge?
Continue reading...8. January 2009
Check out a stream of Phil Schiller’s Keynote over here. Or check out guided tours of the new iPhoto and iMovie over here.
Continue reading...8. January 2009
Yes, I realize this is a few days old, but it’s worth putting up on the off-chance some of you haven’t seen it yet. Hilarious Apple satire from The Onion – Meet the MacBook Wheel! Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
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11. January 2009
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