Archive | January, 2009

iLife ’09 – Adding substantive value to the Mac

30. January 2009

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A quote from John Martellaro on MacObserver: Many people have a technological tipping point. That’s the point where software, iLife ’09 for example, becomes so compelling that it can persuade one to give up personal, specialized, or UNIX geeky ways of doing things and just throw one’s entire weight behind a product. iLife ’09 did […]

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Apple sued again over 3G speeds

29. January 2009

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Apple is being sued again.  Shocking, really.  This time,  Jason Medway of California is taking App to task over allegations that the iPhone 3G has an inherent glitch that prevents it from staying on 3G networks and thus kicks users down to the slower speed Edge network. Surprisingly, and perhaps an indication of what this […]

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Apple vs. Palm: Patent Wars

29. January 2009


Engadget has a great piece discussing some of the patents relevant to the recent hype surrounding Apple and Palm potentially going head to head in court over the release of the Palm Pre.  It’s a welcome breath of fresh air to read some on-point analysis on a topic that most people are ill-equipped to discuss […]

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What do you get from a $5 GarageBand Artist Lesson?

29. January 2009


Apparently quite a bit.  Gizmodo goes in-depth and reports that the Artist Lessons from GarageBand are worth the 5 bucks Apple is charging.  Our copy of iLife ’09 is still in the mail, so we need to rely on the reviews of others to satiate us in the meantime! Gizmodo’s final take: So is it […]

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Apple: Cold as Ice!

29. January 2009


Apple in ice.  I wonder if this was the centerpiece at Steve Jobs’ wedding. via Flickr

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New iPhone Model in the works?

29. January 2009


MacRumors recently discovered code in the iPhone’s latest firmware suggesting that Apple is working on a significant hardware upgrade to the iPhone. The original iPhone model number was “1,1” and the iPhone 3G model number was “1,2”. The model number found by MacRumors is “2,1”, which suggests that a significant upgrade is in the works. […]

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Smartphones: The Race to 1 Million Sold

29. January 2009


Engadget posted this graphic earlier today encapsulating how fast each particular smartphone was able to sell 1 million units. Verizon has been trumping up the 1 million units sold figure all week for the BlackBerry Storm, but this chart helps put things into perspective.  It took the Storm over 2 months to sell 1 million […]

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Is Apple planning opening up a premium games section on the App Store?

29. January 2009


Pocketgamer is reporting that Apple has plans to open up a section on the iTunes App Store dedicated solely to games priced over $19.99. ..The initiative will only be open to a restricted number of large publishers, rather than the thousands of smaller developers currently selling their titles on the main App Store. The rumour […]

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Microsoft’s Songsmith quickly becoming a joke

29. January 2009


Microsoft’s latest attempt to introduce music software is turning into a big joke.  Microsoft SongSmith is software that allows users to sing a song into their computer, and software will create the instrumentals for you.  Talk about sucking any semblance of creativity out of composing a song! Anyways, Telegraph has a whole article today talking […]

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iTunes now lets users decide which tracks they want to upgrade to DRM Free

29. January 2009


When Apple recently announced that its entire iTunes Store would soon be going DRM free, users had the option to upgrade their previously purchased and DRM laden music for 30 cents a song.  There was sort of a backlash, though, as customers complained that they either had to upgrade their entire library, or not upgrade […]

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Podcaster now available in the App Store

28. January 2009


A few months ago, in September to be exact, there was a tiny bit of controversy regarding Apple’s decision not to accept an application known as ‘Podcaster’ into the iTunes App Store.  Podcaster allowed users to stream and download podcasts over an Internet connection without having to access them via iTunes.  This proved to be […]

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MacBook Mini Mockup – If Apple made a netbook…

28. January 2009


The good folks over at the GadgetGeekBlog came up with some interesting mock-ups of something they call a MacBook Mini. It’s basically a collapsible MacBook with a 10 inch screen that when folded up is the size of a small netbook. These are probably some of the best mock-ups we’ve ever seen – intriguing, and […]

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