Archive | December, 2008

Morgan Stanley drops price target for Apple down to $95

11. December 2008


Morgan Stanley analyst Kathryn Huberty cut her target for Apple's stock down to $95, five dollars less than her previous target of $100.  She also lowered expected 2009 iPhone sales to 14 million, down from an original projection of 19 million. First of all, let me go off on a quick tangent here and briefly say, that most analysts are, to be blunt, clueless. Take the recent brouhaha about a $99 iPhone at Walmart for example. One day an analyst says that a $99 iPhone is inevitable. The next day another analyst says that Apple has to release a cheaper iPhone in order to boost sales. Then word gets out that a $99 iPhone isn't happening, and other analysts jump in with the benefit of hindsight and boldly declare that a $99 iPhone was never feasible in the first place. First of all, let me go off on a quick tangent here and briefly say, that most analysts are, to be blunt, clueless.  Take the recent brouhaha about a $99

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Latest Firefox beta adds multi-touch support

11. December 2008


MacRumors is reporting that the latest build of Firefox 3.1 contains multi-touch support for the MacBook Air and the latest MacBook’s and MacBook Pro’s.  While Safari already supports some basic gestures, multi-touch has yet to be a part of any official Firefox release, though that will likely change when Firefox 3.1 is released. Supported gestures […]

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Crapware in the iTunes App Store – a case study

10. December 2008


There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether or not 99 cent apps are ruining the app store, but more than the price, it’s the abundance of crapware that can often make browsing the app store a somewhat jumbled experience.  While there are certainly an impressive number of great iPhone applications that do amazing […]

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Are 99 cent apps ruining the quality of the App Store?

10. December 2008

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Craig Hockenberry, a developer over at the IconFactory, wrote an open letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs explaining how the proliferation of cheap 99 cent applications (ringtone apps) are making it harder for developers to embark on cutting edge, and more costly, iPhone app development. We have a lot of great ideas for iPhone applications. […]

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Why some movies are disappearing from iTunes

10. December 2008


CNET reports: Apple is an Internet retailer and Netflix is a Web video rental service, but Hollywood treats them as if they are potential competitors to TV broadcasters. In the past two weeks, customers of iTunes and Netflix’s streaming digital-movie service have noticed that a growing number of titles are disappearing from the sites or […]

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Psystar files motion to ammend counterclaims against Apple

9. December 2008


A few weeks ago, Apple clone-maker Psystar had its initial anti-trust counterclaims against Apple dismissed.  As part of the counterclaim, Psystar crafted the somewhat specious and illogical argument that Apple maintains a monopoly in the OS X market.  The judge, not surprisingly, wasn’t persuaded and tossed out those claims. Well, Psystar is apparently the animal […]

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Apple nixes GPS on iPhone for Egyptian customers

9. December 2008


In order to get the iPhone 3G into Egypt, Apple had to kill one of its newest features: GPS.  Apparently, the Egyptian government was afraid that iPhone users would be able to use their iPhone to pinpoint sensitive locations such as government buildings and military bases.  I’m not sure if this makes much sense because […]

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Rumor: iTunes going DRM-free today?

8. December 2008


Holy Schnikes Batman!  Could it be true?  Is iTunes finally going DRM free?  Well, according to a report from AppleInsider, the answer is “probably yes”. A report from last week brought to AppleInsider‘s attention by French technology site ElectronLibre asserts that it’s now “clear” Apple will spark new interest in its music store by removing […]

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The Stereotypical Apple user, and why the iPhone at Walmart won’t hurt Apple’s image

8. December 2008

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After a lot hype, it now seems that the iPhone is, in fact, coming to Walmart around December 28.  While customers won’t be able to pick one up for 99 bucks, Apple’s presence in Walmart will be a huge move for Apple in increasing its distribution. But some are claiming that an Apple/Walmart mix might […]

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Who picks the songs for those Apple commercials?

8. December 2008


Getting your song featured on an Apple commercial is a great way for a musician to create band awareness and generate a lot of sales.  Feist saw a huge bump in sales when her song “1234” was featured in an iPod Nano commercial, and Yael Naim came out of nowhere when her song “New Soul” […]

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WTF! An iPhone spellcheck for the masses

8. December 2008


iPhone’s spellcheck is definitely up on its slang.  Talk about attention to detail.

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Reports: iPhone coming to Walmart, but not for $99

8. December 2008

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First there’s a $99 iPhone at Walmart.  Then there isn’t.  Then there is.  Rinse and repeat!  Well, it seems that we’re finally getting a little bit of clarity on this ever changing rumor. Reports, verified by financial juggernaut Bloomberg, indicate that the iPhone will indeed be coming to Walmart, but not at the low low […]

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