Though seemingly coming out of left field, Steve Jobs’ decision not to speak at the Macworld keynote this January makes a lot of sense for a number of reasons. First of all, Macworld expectations got out of control and put too much pressure on Apple to deliver amazing products at arbitrary times. Second, it’s the […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
Jim Goldman of CNBC is reporting that Steve Jobs is in fine health, and that that wasn’t a factor in choosing Phil Schiller to deliver the keynote at Macworld ’09 in San Francisco. I can tell you that sources inside the company tell me that Jobs’ decision was more about politics than his pancreas. Sources […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
in an announcement that’s taken every one by surprise, Apple has announced this is the last year that they’ll be participating in the Macworld Expo in San Francisco. And if that wasn’t news in and of itself, the company also announced that showman extraordinaire Steve Jobs would not be delivering the keynote speech this year. Instead, […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
A look back at the first ever iPod ad. I think it’s clear that the dancing silhouettes were a clear step forward 🙂
Continue reading...16. December 2008
Despite performing better than expected, Amazon’s music service failed to put a dent into the behemoth that is iTunes. Amazon, which offers users drm-free mp3’s, garnered somewhere around 8% of the market share in online music sales. iTunes, meanwhile, maintained its position in the number one spot with well over 70% in market share. The […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
A reader tipped us off today about a newly released product that seems so obvious and helpful that it’s a surprise it hasn’t been done before. It’s called “iBend”, and it lets you watch video on your iPhone or iPod Touch without the hassle of having to hold the device yourself. The best part is […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
Apple on Monday unveiled two new “Get a Mac” ads featuring animated versions of Justin Long and John Hodgman. I personally think the animation is great, but the content is some of the weaker stuff we’ve seen from Apple in recent memory. But take a look below and see for yourself. “I can do anything” […]
Continue reading...16. December 2008
Beware OS X software upgraders, ArsTechnica is reporting that the latest version of OS X 10.5.6 might put a hurdle in front of your attempts to jailbreak your iPhone. So was this a deliberate effort by Apple to stomp on pwnage and jailbreaks? The rumor mill says yes. I’m told that Apple’s USB engineers have […]
Continue reading...15. December 2008
Apple shares tumbled downward today after an analyst at Goldman Sachs downgraded the company, citing weak consumer spending and the feeling that Apple wasn’t likely to introduce a new and sensational product at Macworld. Earnings estimates for Apple were cut to $4.75 a share, down from an initial estimate of $5.13 per share. Apple’s price […]
Continue reading...15. December 2008
And the rumor’s keep on coming, but this one is at least believable. Wired is reporting that Apple is set to unveil an updated MacMini at Macworld this January. Though there were no details about what the update entails, the news should nevertheless be encouraging for MacMini fans. Earlier this fall, another rumor that made […]
Continue reading...15. December 2008
Mac OSX 10.5.6 is now available via software update, and weighs in at an impressive 377 MB. Some of the updates users can look forward to include: Improves reliability of Address Book syncing with iPhone and other devices and applications. Improves the reliability of AirPort connections, including improvements when roaming in large wireless networks with […]
Continue reading...15. December 2008
iDealChina is reportingthat an iPhone nano is in the works, and it supposedly has images of its silicone case design to prove it. It is the same height as the just release Nano but wider and thicker and with the same iPhone 3G contours. It has 3 sensors, camera, mirror screen but no 3G. Production […]
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17. December 2008